We are happy to announce that the City Creditworthiness Initiative has begun!
The Academy will run from May 4-8 in Entebbe and has the presence of Town Clerks, Chief Financial Officers, and Economic Planners from Kampala Capital City Authority, 22 secondary cities and 5 high performing Town Councils.
You are most welcomed to follow the Academy with the updates in this blog. We will be posting pictures, the Academy most important topics and presentations.

In this picture we have some of the faculty members, Liz Bauch, Joshua Gallo and Johan Kurger

In ths picture we have our colleagues from the World Bank Kampala Country office, who joined us and supporeted us in the design and delivery of the Academy.

And this is how the Academy looks at the opening session... wait for more pictures and updates soon!
Blog » Uganda City Creditworthiness Academy - Hall of Fame
Uganda City Creditworthiness Academy - Hall of Fame
We are happy to announce that the City Creditworthiness Initiative has begun!
The Academy will run from May 4-8 in Entebbe and has the presence of Town Clerks, Chief Financial Officers, and Economic Planners from Kampala Capital City Authority, 22 secondary cities and 5 high performing Town Councils.
You are most welcomed to follow the Academy with the updates in this blog. We will be posting pictures, the Academy most important topics and presentations.
In this picture we have some of the faculty members, Liz Bauch, Joshua Gallo and Johan Kurger
In ths picture we have our colleagues from the World Bank Kampala Country office, who joined us and supporeted us in the design and delivery of the Academy.
And this is how the Academy looks at the opening session... wait for more pictures and updates soon!
Honorable Minister of State for Housing, Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development, Sam Engora, officially launched the Academy with a very supportive speech. He urged participants to take keen interest to learn as much as possible from this Academy and the path to creditworthiness. The Minister acknowledged that the cities' funding resources have not been adequate to meet the numerous pressing priorities. This therefore justifies the need to explore funding mechanisms to ensure sustainable urban financing.
We thank the Minister for supporitng the City Creditworthiness Initiative and for joining us in the delivery of the Academy.
In this picture we have the integrants of an interesting panel that took place in the morning of the first day of the Academy. The panel "The Path to Creditworthiness in Uganda Context" was led by Wilson Baryabanoha from VNG International. Wilson was joined by the Local Government Financing Commission, National Social Security Fund, KCCA. The panel had topics related to bonds issuance and regulations, market appetite, amongst others.
Congratulations to the Moroto Team for winning the Municipal Finance a Handbook for Local Governments. We are sure you will enjoy it as well as you will enjoy being part of this community. Here you have the opportunity to share, experience and question all of the municipal finance best practices.
As second place winners we have the team from Kitgum. Congratulations!
Good morning Municipal Finance Practioners!
Today is the second day of the Uganda City Creditworthiness Academy. Today the main topic is how to prepare a Capital Investment Plan, with capital budgeting, local fiscal and development policy, and public participation, using multi-criteria analysis.
To give this presentation and guide participants to take actions toward developing capital investment plans, we have our team member Jan Whittington. Jan is Assistant Professor of the Department of Urban Design and Planning, at the University of Washington, Seattle.
Academy participant KCCA in the news today: example of own-source revenues enhancement! No wonder they are doing so well!
This conference is so so meaningful to our Ugandan municipalities. Our skills in planning have greatly improved as a result of this. Credit goes to city creditworthiness Academy for Uganda and the World bank.
Academy participant Kisoro also on the news: wonderful commentary by Mary Karooro Okurut, Security Minister, on Kisoro's recent tarmacking of the Kabale-Kisoro road. "Kisoro has been opened up to the world." Now let's open it up to the capital market as well!
Group photo!
This academy has given the 22 participating Municipalities yet another new opportunity to look at things in the different yet better perspective in service delivery given the wide knowledge we have so far acquired through the interactive sessions that we have been taken through for the first two days .
its worth mentioning that the Academy has given as a detailed insight on how we can enhance revenue through implementation of our revenue enhancement plans, participatory implementation of our physical development plans putting into consideration the element of climate which has always been neglected...we look forward for the interactive remaining three days.....