Blog » Navigating the Continuum between Adaptation and Maladaptation (2023)
Navigating the Continuum between Adaptation and Maladaptation (2023)
While adaptation is increasing across all sectors globally, the effectiveness is inadequate and examples of maladaptation are increasing. To reduce the risk of maladaptation, the authors propose the framework: Navigating the Adaptation–Maladaptation continuum (NAM). This framework is composed of six criteria relating to outcomes of adaptation for ecosystems, the climate (greenhouse gases emissions) and social systems (transformational potential) as well as equity-related outcomes for low-income populations, women/girls and marginalized ethnic groups. This article applies the NAM framework to a set of representative adaptation options showing that considerable variation exists in the potential for adaptation or the risk of maladaptation, and recommends that decision-makers assess adaptation interventions against the NAM framework criteria and prioritize responses that reduce the risk of maladaptation.
Blog » Navigating the Continuum between Adaptation and Maladaptation (2023)
Navigating the Continuum between Adaptation and Maladaptation (2023)
While adaptation is increasing across all sectors globally, the effectiveness is inadequate and examples of maladaptation are increasing. To reduce the risk of maladaptation, the authors propose the framework: Navigating the Adaptation–Maladaptation continuum (NAM). This framework is composed of six criteria relating to outcomes of adaptation for ecosystems, the climate (greenhouse gases emissions) and social systems (transformational potential) as well as equity-related outcomes for low-income populations, women/girls and marginalized ethnic groups. This article applies the NAM framework to a set of representative adaptation options showing that considerable variation exists in the potential for adaptation or the risk of maladaptation, and recommends that decision-makers assess adaptation interventions against the NAM framework criteria and prioritize responses that reduce the risk of maladaptation.