Women’s Economic Empowerment in South Asia             (Hosted by SAR GIL)

Blog » Development and Validation of Women’s Empowerment in Migration Index (WEMI) (2023)

Development and Validation of Women’s Empowerment in Migration Index (WEMI) (2023)

Created Nov 01 2024, 11:44 AM by Veronica Del Motto
  • Reports
  • Migration

To better measure and understand links between women’s empowerment, migration, and well-being at different phases of migration, this paper develops a Women’s Empowerment in Migration Index (WEMI). This index incorporates subjective-wellbeing indicators into measures of empowerment, and thus advances research over earlier assessments of women’s experiences which focused on objective indicators. Validated with data from returning international migrants to Bangladesh, the study finds that only 14% of the surveyed migrant women could be classified as empowered during their last migration. Major contributors to women's disempowerment were restricted mobility and lack of asset ownership and group membership.