This document shares what has been learned about the effectiveness of specific interventions piloted in the Rural Finance Best Practices (RuFBeP) project by IFAD and APRACA with a view to improving inclusive rural financial services in Asian countries. It provides a summary of the finance schemes and innovative lending products designed and tested in China, Indonesia and the Philippines, and an analysis of the main impacts of each pilot project. The China project piloted microfinance downscaling technique with loan products targeted toward agricultural value chain actors. In Indonesia, microfinance institutions replicated three innovative financing schemes: collateral-free loans, group lending products and Sharia-based financing. In the Philippines, the project tested agricultural value chain finance scheme and financing agricultural technology.
Blog » Tell-Tale Signs Finance Farming is Ready to Scale: Demonstrated Impact of Pilot Projects in China, Indonesia and the Philippines
Tell-Tale Signs Finance Farming is Ready to Scale: Demonstrated Impact of Pilot Projects in China, Indonesia and the Philippines
This document shares what has been learned about the effectiveness of specific interventions piloted in the Rural Finance Best Practices (RuFBeP) project by IFAD and APRACA with a view to improving inclusive rural financial services in Asian countries. It provides a summary of the finance schemes and innovative lending products designed and tested in China, Indonesia and the Philippines, and an analysis of the main impacts of each pilot project. The China project piloted microfinance downscaling technique with loan products targeted toward agricultural value chain actors. In Indonesia, microfinance institutions replicated three innovative financing schemes: collateral-free loans, group lending products and Sharia-based financing. In the Philippines, the project tested agricultural value chain finance scheme and financing agricultural technology.