Local Economic Development


Showing 61 - 72 of Results 80

Women-Led Farms and Producer Organizations are Recreating th...

In honor of International Day of the Rural Woman, we are celebrating Geeta Devi and the women of Muzaffarpur, who trained to improve their farming businesses, increase their yields, and negotiate bett...

last modified: Anastasiia Krasilnikova

How can Zambia create 1 million jobs?

During a meeting with top government officials in Zambia recently, the World Bank Regional Vice-president for Africa, Makhtar Diop, asked what was at the top of their minds. "Jobs!", was their unanimo...

last modified: Anastasiia Krasilnikova

Accelerating and learning from innovations in youth employme...

nnovations in youth employment programs are critical to addressing this enormous development challenge effectively. Rapid progress in digital technology, behavioral economics, evaluation methods, and ...

last modified: Anastasiia Krasilnikova

Measuring youth employment projects: What can we learn from ...

Youth employment projects face varying contextual realities and constraints that often result in generating innovations when adapting and customizing their monitoring and evaluation system. There is a...

last modified: Anastasiia Krasilnikova

Can agriculture create job opportunities for youth?

Technology and the internet are probably the first things that come to mind when you think about the future of work for young people; not agriculture or farming. This makes historic sense, as agricult...

last modified: Anastasiia Krasilnikova

Horticulture offers hope for growth and jobs in rural Afghan...

Afghanistan is struggling with unemployment and poor economic performance because of drastic reductions in foreign aid and continued social instability. While efforts have been made to improve the pri...

last modified: Anastasiia Krasilnikova

In South Asia, poor rural women have begun to set up lucrati...

Across South Asia, our agriculture and rural development projects are helping transform the lives of poor rural women. From daily wage laborers they are now becoming entrepreneurs who generate jobs fo...

last modified: Anastasiia Krasilnikova

Agriculture is the ‘green gold’ that could transform the eco...

Agriculture is Uganda’s ‘green gold’ that can transform the economy and the lives of farmers.  Why is it then that Uganda’s well documented agricultural potential is not realized? What specific public...

last modified: Anastasiia Krasilnikova

How can we unlock the potential of household enterprises in ...

Non-farm household enterprises provide an important opportunity for employment in Tanzania. Agriculture is still the primary economic activity of the country, but the economy is shifting away from it ...

last modified: Anastasiia Krasilnikova

Debunking three myths about Informality

Since the concept of the “informal sector” was coined half a century ago, countries all over the world have promoted the formalization of small- and medium-size enterprises. The perceived benefits of ...

last modified: Anastasiia Krasilnikova

In Africa, more, not fewer people will work in agriculture

Many people in Sub-Saharan Africa still work in agriculture; on average, over half of the labor force, and even more in poorer countries and localities. Yet the share of the labor force in agriculture...

last modified: Anastasiia Krasilnikova

Rising with rice in Côte d’Ivoire 2: More and better jobs by...

In the first post of this blog series, we traveled to the center of Côte d’Ivoire during rice harvesting season and met two people whose livelihoods depended on the outcome: Sali Soro, a smallholder f...

last modified: Anastasiia Krasilnikova
7 pages