CDD and Local Economic Development (LED)

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Project Resources

Created Oct 31 2019, 4:52 PM by Michelle Morandotti


The Third Annual African Youth Agripreneur Regional Forum at Cape Town. The presentation titled Innovations in Financing young entrepreneurs for Climate Smart Agriculture.


Creating Jobs in the Rural Non-Farm Economy. The presentation titled Creating Rural Non-Farm Jobs Experience Of Bangladesh by Madhur Gautam, Lead Economist, World Bank. 


Creating Jobs in the Rural Non-Farm Economy. The presentation titled Creating Jobs in the Non-Farm Economy: Lessons from Global Experiences for Ethiopia.


Harare, Workshop "Transforming Zimbabwe's Agriculture for Development, Presentation titled: Solutions to Linking Farmers with Markets and Value Chains.


Asia CDD Conference in Colombo, Sri Lanka, the presentation titled: Linking Villages, Communities, Farmers, and Entrepreneurs to Markets.


Uzbekistan: Ferghana Valley Enterprise Development Project (P166305), Project Operations Manual Workshop, Innovation centers, innovation marketplace.


Women’s Economic Empowerment – Rural Development Program (WEE-RDP) This project in Afghanistan promotes women’s economic empowerment through strong financially sustainable and self-managed community institutions, improved income, sustainable enterprises, and developing increased access to finance and markets.


India NRLP Presentation

This is an overview of the National Rural Livelihoods Mission in India, which seeks to establish efficient and effective institutional platforms of the rural poor that enable them to increase household income through sustainable livelihood enhancements and improved access to financial and selected public services.


Indonesia PRISMA Presentation for CDD Conference Colombo

This presentation introduces the Promoting Rural Income through Support for Markets in Agriculture project (PRISMA), which seeks to increase the net income of 300,000 smallholder farming households by 30%.



This presentation provides an overview of the form and function of the Grievance Redress Mechanism within the National Community Driven Development Porgram in Myanmar.


Sri Lanka Gamini Presentation CDD 4th Asia Conference

This presentation introduces the Community Development and Livelihood Improvement “Gemidiriya” Project. Its objective is to enhance incomes and quality of life of households in the poorest divisions in the country while building capacity of government agencies and community organizations.


Vietnam GNTN-Project Presentation

This presentation provides an overview of the Central Highlands Poverty Reduction Project in Vietnam. Its objective is to improve living standards by increasing livelihood opportunities in poor communes.


Vietnam - NMPRP2 - Presentation at CDD Conference

This presentation provides an overview of the Second Northern Mountains Poverty Reduction Project in Vietnam. Its objective is to enhance living standards by improving: access to productive infrastructure, productive and institutional capacity of local governments and communities, commune integrated investment planning, and market linkages and business innovations.


Project Learning Videos

A series of interviews with Michael Morris, Lead Agriculture Economist and Task Team Leader of the Second Colombia Rural Productive Partnerships Project.

  1. How did you link producer organizations with market? Click here to watch the answer.
  2. How did you foster entrepreneurship in the project? Click here to watch the answer.
  3. What are the keys to success for ensuring the productive alliance partnership work well? Click here to watch the answer.
  4. What advice would you share with TTLs thinking about designing a Productive Alliance project? Click here to watch the answer.
  5. What challenges did you face during project design and implementation? Click here to watch the answer.

Discussion of Bolivia PAR (Programa EMPODERAR) and interviews with farmers about the project's impact on their lives.



Learning Notes Examples

Learning note on women’s producer companies Delivering Value for Small Farmers summarizes lessons learned from organizing small women farmers into Producer Groups and Companies. These institutions played a fundamental role in internalizing digital technologies for their benefits and growth.


Booklet of Learning notes “A Decade of Rural Transformation” summarizes 11 key lessons from innovations and interventions, including producer groups and the digital platform, which contributed to transformative changes during a decade of implementing the Jeevika project, which is currently in its 2nd phase. 


Agricultural Livelihood - Learning Note - India Bihar

This is a learning note about how to enhance agricultural livelihoods through community institutions in Bihar, India. It summarizes key interventions, insitutional platforms, risks and benefits surrounding implementing similar projects in Bihar.


Creating Jobs - Learning Note - India AP

This is a learning note about how to create jobs for rural youth in Andhra Pradesh, India. It introduces key elements of successful job promotion strategy, country background, framework, etc.


Community-managed Microfinance– Learning Note - Sri Lanka GD

This note describes the context under which the community-managed microfinance model was developed, identifies key features, and outlines benefits the system provides.


Community Procurement Center - Learning Note - India AP

This learning notes reflects the past projects regarding Community-managed Procurement Centers for small and marginal farmers in Andhra Pradesh, India. It summarizes key elements, frameworks, benefits, and impacts.


Rajasthan: Milking Profits from Dairy Farming

This learning note discusses the project's support for the formation of Common Interest Groups (CIGs) comprising of 10-15 members at the village level. It examines how the project helps CIGs identify and implement economically beneficial subprojects and provides them with matching grants to launch their enterprises.


Delivering Value for Small Farmers: Farmer Producer Organizatinos in JEEViKA

This learning note explores how Farmers Producer Organizations (FPOs) have been able to support small farmers by leveraging economies of scale, improving inputs and technologies at lower costs and bringing the small farmer to larger markets. FPOs, are producer-centric and emphasize fair business practices.


Orientation Materia

Project Manuals

Bangladesh Project Brief

This project brief outlines the Nuton Jibon Livelihood Improvement Project. Its objective is to improve livelihoods of the poor. It builds on the Social Investment Program Project, which introduced new opportunities for improving access to financial resources for the poor. The project would particularly aim at improving the operational efficiency and sustainability of the Village Credit Organizations.


Bihar Transformative Development Project-JEEViKA II

This project appraisal document outlines the Bihar Transformative Development Project-JEEViKA II, which seeks to diversify and enhance household-level incomes and improve access to and use of nutrition and sanitation services among targeted households. The Project’s beneficiaries will include approximately five million women from poor rural households across 300 blocks and 32 districts of Bihar. The Project will focus on marginalized communities.


Cambodia Project Brief

This project brief outlines the Livelihood Enhancement and Association of the Poor Project (LEAP), whose objective is to improve access of poor and vulnerable households in selected communities to financial services, opportunities for generating income, and small-scale infrastructure; and to provide immediate and effective response in case of an eligible crisis or emergency.


CDD in Indonesia

This is an overview of various projects CDD has implemented in Indonesia since 1989 to help local communities.


India Project Brief

This project brief outlines the Bihar Transformative Development Project, which seeks to diversify and enhance incomes and improve access to nutrition and sanitation services. The project's beneficiaries will include at least five million women belonging to poor rural households.


Indonesia Project Brief

This project brief outlines the National Program for Community Empowerment. Its objective is for villagers in rural locations to benefit from improved socio–economic and local governance conditions through the provision of investment resources to support productive proposals that have been developed by communities using a participatory planning process.


Laos Project Brief

This project brief introduces the Poverty Reduction Fund III. Its objective is to improve the access to and the utilization of basic infrastructure and services for the project's targeted poor communities in a sustainable manner through inclusive community and local development processes.


Mongolia Project Brief

This project brief introduces the Sustainable Livelihoods Project III. Its objective is to improve governance and community participation for the planning and delivery of priority investments in rural areas of Mongolia.


Myanmar Project Brief

This project brief introduces the Myanmar National Community Driven Development Project. Its objective is to enable poor rural communities to benefit from improved access to and use of basic infrastructure and services through a people-centered approach and to enhance the government’s capacity to respond promptly and effectively to an eligible crisis or emergency.


Nepal Project Brief

This project brief introduces the Poverty Alleviation Fund II. Its objective is to scale up PAF I and create economic opportunities and increase voice and participation skills for groups which have traditionally been excluded.


Philippines Project Brief

This project brief introduces the National Community-Driven Development Program. Its objective is to empower communities in poor municipalities to achieve improved access to services and to participate in more inclusive local planning, budgeting, and implementation.


Papua New Guinea (PNG) Project Brief

This project brief introduces the Rural Service Delivery and Local Governance Project. Its objective is to improve communities' access to basic infrastructure and services in rural areas through inclusive, participatory planning and implementation, through a community-driven development approach.


Solomon Islands Rural Development Program II

This is a restructuring paper for the Second Rural Developent Program (RDP2) in the Solomon Islands. The program's objective is to improve basic infrastructure and services in rural areas and to strengthen the linkages between smallholder farming households and markets.


Solomon Islands Project Brief

This project brief introduces the Rural Development Program II. Its objective is to improve basic infrastructure and services in rural areas and to strengthen the linkages between smallholder farming households and markets.


Sri Lanka Project Brief

This project brief introduces the Community Development and Livelihood Improvement "Gemidiriya" Project. Its objective is to enhance incomes and quality of life of the poor households in the poorest divisions in the country, while building capacity of government agencies and community organizations.


Thailand Project Brief – final

This project brief introduces the Expanding Community Approaches in Conflict Situations Project. Its objective is to contribute to confidence-building between communities and sub-district authorities in southern Thailand through participatory local development approaches and capacity building of local government officials and civil society networks.


Timor-Leste Project Brief

This project brief introduces the National Program for Village Development. Its objective is to improve people’s living standards, particularly in rural areas, by funding basic infrastructure and providing jobs and training.


Women's Economic Empowerment Rural Development Project

The development objective of the Women's Economic Empowerment Rural Development Project for Afghanistan is to increase social and economic empowerment of poor rural women in selected communities.


Chad - Refugees and Host Communities Support Project

The objectives of the Refugees and Host Communities Support Project for Chad are to improve access of refugees and host communities to basic services, livelihoods, and safety nets, and strengthen country systems to manage refugees.


Productive Inclusion Project

The objective of the Productive Inclusion Project for the Democratic Republic of the Congo is to establish the core building blocks of a safety net system and improve the access of poor households to productive safety net interventions.


Nigeria For Women Project

The objective of the Nigeria For Women Project is to support improved livelihoods for women in targeted areas of Nigeria.


National Community Driven Development Project

This link outlines the National Community Driven Development Project of Myanmar. Its objective is to enable poor rural communities to benefit from improved access to and use of basic infrastructure and services through a people-centered approach and to enhance the capacity to respond to an eligible crisis or emergency.


Bangladesh - Sustainable Forests and Livelihoods (SUFAL) Project

The development objective of the Sustainable Forests and Livelihoods Project in Bangladesh is to improve collaborative forest management and increase benefits for forest-dependent communities.


AP Integrated Irrigation & Agriculture Transformation Project

The development objective of Andhra Pradesh Integrated Irrigation and Agriculture Transformation Project in India is to enhance agricultural productivity, profitability and climate resilience of smallholder farmers.


Mali Reconstruction and Economic Recovery Project - Additional Financing

This Project Appraisal document outlines the Reconstruction and Economic Recovery Project for Mali. Its objective is to rehabilitate basic infrastructure and restore productive activities of communities impacted by the crisis in Mali. This paper seeks approval of the Executive Directors for Additional Financing under IDA of USD 30 million.


Kenya Development Response to Displacement Impacts Project Additional Financing

This link provides a broad overview of the Additional Financing for the Kenya DRDIP.


Smallholder Agriculture Transformation and Agribusiness Revitalization Project (STAR-P)

The project was approved on January 15, 2019 for $25 million IDA financing and aims to increase agricultural productivity and commercialization of smallholder farmers for selected value chains in Liberia.


Ferghana Valley Rural Enterprise Development Project (P166305)

This project appraisal document overviews the Ferghana Valley Rural Enterprise Development Project, which was approved on March 21, 2019 for $200 million IBRD financing and aims to support the expansion of rural enterprise activity and job creation in Uzbekistan.


Local Development Support Project (P163305)

The project was approved on March 14, 2019 for $70 million IDA financing and aims to strengthen local government authorities' capabilities to deliver services to communities in a responsive and accountable manner, and to support economic infrastructure development in Sri Lanka.


Uganda – Development Response to Displacement Impacts Project (P164101)

This website overviews the additional financing of DRDIP, which was approved on April 17, 2019 for $150 million as an IDA grant and aims to improve access to basic social services, expand economic opportunities, and enhance environmental management for both refugees and communities that host them.


Reducing Rural Poverty in Lao PDR

This results brief highlights the key achievements of the Lao Poverty Reduction Fund (PRF). Established in 2002, PRF initially focused on small-scale community infrastructure and capacity building. In 2012, it began community-driven livelihood and nutrition activities. More than 1.2 million people have directly benefited from PRF.


Transforming Landscapes for Resilience and Development in Zambia

The project was approved on May 15, 2019 for $100 million IDA financing and aims to improve natural resource management to support sustainable livelihoods, and in the event of an eligible crisis or emergency, to provide immediate and effective response.


CAR-Agriculture Recovery and Agribusiness Development Support Project (P165855)

The project was approved on May 17, 2019 for $25 million IDA financing and aims to Increase agriculture productivity of small-scale farmers, strengthen capacity of micro, small and medium agribusinesses, and provide immediate response in the event of an eligible crisis.


Ethiopia: Lowlands Livelihood Resilience Project (P164336)

The project was approved on May 23, 2019 for $350 million IDA financing and aims to Improve livelihood resilience of pastoral and agro-pastoral communities in Ethiopia.


Municipalities for Youth in Kosovo Project (P165485)

The project was approved on September 20, 2019 for $2.79 million Trust Fund financing and aims to improve the socioeconomic inclusion of at least 3,000 marginalized youth in vulnerable communities in Kosovo through youth-driven civic engagement and skills building activities.


Tanzania Productive Social Safety Net Project II (P169165)

The project was approved on September 12, 2019 for $450 million IDA financing and aims to improve access to income-earning opportunities and socio-economic services for poor households while enhancing and protecting their children.


Jamaica - Second Rural Economic Development Initiative (REDI II) Project (P166279)

The project was approved on November 14, 2019 for $40 million IBRD financing and aims to enhance access to markets and to climate resilient approaches for targeted beneficiaries.


Honduras - Improving the Livelihoods of Miskito Indigenous Peoples in La Moskitia (P167767)

The project was approved on November 6, 2019 for $2.72 million Trust Fund financing and aims to promote socio-economic productive activities to improve the livelihoods of Miskito indigenous peoples in Selected Territories in Honduras.


India – State of Maharashtra’s Agribusiness and Rural Transformation Project (P168310)

The project was approved on December 17, 2019 for $210 million IBRD financing and aims to support the development of inclusive and competitive agriculture value chains, focusing on smallholder farmers and agri-entrepreneurs in Maharashtra.



Impact Evaluation

India- Impact Evaluation of JEEViKA Multisectoral Convergence Initiative in Bihar: Engaging women’s groups to improve nutrition - Summary Report

This report summarizes the impact evaluation of the JEEViKA Multisectoral Convergence Initiative, a pilot that tested the use of the JEEViKA project structure in Bihar to address undernutrition in women and children.


Predicting Entrepreneurial Success is Hard: Evidence from a Business Plan Competition in Nigeria

This paper compared the absolute and relative performance of three approaches to predicting outcomes for entrants in a business plan competition in Nigeria: Business plan scores from judges, simple adhoc prediction models used by researchers, and machine learning approaches.



Orientation Material

Linking Villages, Communities, Farmers, and Entrepreneurs to Markets



CDD & Local Economic Development (LED)



AAA Productive partnership model Colombo April 2018

This presentation provides an overview of the AAA Productive Partnership Model in Colombo. It explores key features, country background, design considerations, impact evaluation and more.


Linking Farmers to Markets through Productive Alliances

This is an assessment of the Agriculture Global Practice's strategy to improve the competitiveness and entrepreneurship of smallholder producers by strengthening value chains. It explores Productive Alliances, which strengthen the linkages between producers, buyers and the public sector within agriculture value-chains.
