CDD and Local Economic Development (LED)

Blog » LED & COVID-19


Created Aug 11 2020, 3:03 PM by Anastasiia Krasilnikova

Impact of COVID-19 on women and their collectives in India

In India, the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown has created unprecedented challenges for rural households, women and the most marginalised groups, and women’s empowerment collectives (WECs). Women’s collectives have been negatively impacted, remaining unable to conduct regular physical meetings of members thereby weakening opportunities for collective solidarity. Collectives are facing depletion of savings and liquidity crunch, severely affecting their ability to repay loans. While members of women’s collectives have been involved in crisis response activities such as making masks, sanitisers and personal protective equipment (PPE), running community kitchens and delivering rations to the most vulnerable at the last mile, field insights indicate these opportunities are enjoyed by limited numbers of women, who may receive delayed payment and need to commit own funds for these activities and for their own protective gear. The risk of contracting the virus also remains a potent threat for women community cadres and frontline workers.

World Bank CDD and COVID Operational Note:

CDD teams can find useful references and suggestions for adapting their operations to respond to COVID-19. Topics include income generation and local economic development activities.

India - Resilient Communities in the face of COVID-19: National Rural Livelihoods Mission:

This presentation describes approaches by women's self-help groups in India to support their communities amid COVID. Groups are producing face masks, sanitizers, and protective clothing, organizing community kitchens, delivering food, and spreading health messages. 

 From the Horn of Africa to the Solomon Islands:

CDD projects in these regions are adapting to help locals disseminate health information, bolster critical WASH services, monitor GBV, and protect livelihoods of the vulnerable.    

India - Resilient Communities in the face of COVID-19: National Rural Livelihoods Mission:

This presentation describes approaches by women's self-help groups in India to support their communities amid COVID. Groups are producing face masks, sanitizers, and protective clothing, organizing community kitchens, delivering food, and spreading health messages.  

SHGs and COVID-19: Challenges and Opportunities for India's National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM):  

This blog draws from existing evidence on women self-help group (SHGs) response to shocks to examine the roles played by SHG members in India’s NRLM, the challenges they face, and their future opportunities to evolve into a new role in the COVID-19 era. The blog argues that previous epidemics and crises provide only some insight into how NRLM groups will react to restrictions. Tracking what happens, and understanding what enables SHGs to survive, will be critical to drive their effectiveness and improve their role beyond being engines of financial inclusion, to strengthen community participation.  

Solidarity and Power: Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Women’s Groups in Northern Nigeria: 

This blog explores the impact of Pandemic on women groups supported by Women for Women International in Northern Nigeria. Interviews conducted with 562 women demonstrated increased income loss, domestic violence, food insecurity, feelings of isolation, and reduced savings. However, women also show remarkable solidarity; providing social support, community health education, and creative solutions to economic difficulties.   

SEEP Network: Savings Groups and COVID-19:

These recommendations for protecting savings/community groups draw on experience from prior crises. Operational guidance is also provided to implementers.