Citizen Security

Blog » Operational Tools

Operational Tools

Created Jun 28 2021, 9:23 AM by Johannes Peter Zimmermann

As our Toolkit page on Research and Evaluative Evidence shows, the evidence base on crime and violence is built from a wide range of methods that generates a diverse body of evidence ranging from merely suggestive to rigorously probative.  That evidence base also frequently refers to and builds on studies from developed countries, which makes it important to say why that evidence is relevant to World Bank teams:

  • biological, intergenerational, cognitive, and developmental stages of the brain have important relationships with antisocial behavior, consistent across country contexts
  • certain subgroups in developed countries are characterized by levels of violence that resemble those observed in cities and communities in LAC and in other countries in the Global South
  • the age-crime profile of offending, the degree of geographic concentration of violence, and its persistence, are common across developing and developed countries




Individuals: Youth at Risk
  • Strategies to prevent crime and violence among youth at risk​.
  • Guidelines for involving youth at risk in building community solutions​.


The World Bank. Supporting Youth at Risk, A Policy Toolkit for Middle Income Countries

Key words​: Early child development (ECD); School-based interventions; Youth-Friendly Reproductive Health Services.



Construyendo modelos de Intervención con jóvenes​

Key words​: Ecological model; resilience; social risks; protective measures; urban violence; Mexico case study.



Families and Relationships​
  • Tools and approaches that focus on family dynamics and parenting
  • Tools and approaches that address gender power dynamics and gender-based violence  (GBV)​

  • Tools and approaches that focus on peer relationships and networks​



The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program ​

Key words​: Triple P gives parents simple and practical strategies to help them build strong, healthy relationships; confidently manage their children’s behavior and prevent problems developing.

Visit the website


A Parenting Program By the American Psychological Association. ACT

Key words​: positive parenting skills; Early Child Development (ECD).

Visit the website


Parenting for Lifelong Health for Teens. Sinovuyo Caring Families Program for Parents and Teens. ​

Key words: Parenting engagement; positive discipline; Early Child Development (ECD)



CEPREV Center for the Prevention of Violence

Key words​: Community interventions; violence prevention strategies at family, school, community and institutional levels.

Visit the website



Key words​: Authoritarian family; family desunion; racism; masculine violence; gender stereotypes; sexual abuse; democratic family.



Violence Against Women and Girls. Resource Guide ​

Key words​: Citizen security law, and Justice; disaster risk management; education; finance and enterprise development; health; social protection; transport.

Visit the website


SASA! Mobilizing Communities to Inspire Social Change​

Key words​: Benefits-based approach;  domestic violence prevention; HIV 



The Incredible Years. Parents, teachers, and children training series​

Key words​: Early Child Development (ECD); parenting training; child training; teachers training; primary care​.

Visit the website


Improving socioemotional skills in highly violent contexts: Evidence from El Salvador

Key words: ​Socioemotional skills; Early Child Development

Watch the recording


Schools and Community Spaces
  • Strategies to prevent violence and harm in schools, including working with parents, teachers, and school systems

  • Guidelines on using situational prevention to reduce risk of violence (physical investments informed by Crime Prevention through Environmental Design, CEPTED)



FaCE the challenge together: Family and community engagement toolkit for schools in Wales

Key words​: Best practices; early child development (ECD); school's engagement. 



INSPIRE. Operational tools slides

Key words​: Introduction to INSPIRE Handbook; core intervention components; cost and cost-effectiveness; human resource and infrastructure requirements; manuals, training programs; lessons learned.



INSPIRE Handbook

Key words​: Implementation and enforcement of laws; norms and values; safe environments; parent and caregiver support; income and economic strengthening; response and support services; education and life skills.

Visit website


Preventing Violence through Schools in Urban Communities around Latin America and the Caribbean

Key words​: Early child development (ECD); school's engagement.



The Good School Toolkit

Key words​: Early Child Education (ECD); school-community partnership



The implementation of the Miles de Manos Methodology in educational centers in Honduras. ​

Key words​: Early Child Development; Parents; Schools.



Social, Urban, Rural and Resilience Citizen Security Team. The RESOL-V Knowledge Sharing Platform. Concept note​

Key words​: Concept note; data driven strategies; capacity building; knowledge exchange; impact evaluations.



Social, Urban, Rural and Resilience Citizen Security Team. The RESOL-V Knowledge Sharing Platform. Interventions for dissemination ​

Key words​: Interventions for dissemination; identification of needs for LAC; mapping of interventions, policies, and practices; classification of interventions, policies and practices.



Citizen Security Institutions
  • Evidence on community policing and other citizen security approaches to reduce crime and violence ​

  • Tools for violence monitoring and violence observatories



Guide to design, implement and manage Municipal activities in the Prevention of Violence. 

Key words​: Local government engagement; law enforcement; governance.



Guide to design community intervention plans. Diagnose and Management (2015). ​

Key words​: Causes of crime and violence; protective measures; project design.



Training Manual on Policing Urban Space​

Key words​: The traditional model of policing; policing urban spaces; community policing for urban crimes; policing strategies in urban spaces; information and communication technology.
