Citizen Security

Blog » Risk Factors and Potential Interventions

Risk Factors and Potential Interventions

Created Jun 28 2021, 8:24 AM by Johannes Peter Zimmermann


Inequality and poverty, rapid social change,

Policies that increase inequality of opportunity

Gender inequality, violent discrimination against minorities

Failure of security services to protect people from lethal use of force (predatory policing, corruption, impunity),

Higher tolerance of interpersonal violence in post-conflict countries


Policies for improved business climate, incentives investment in marginalized areas

Improved access to justice

  • Case management for victims (legal aid) and security staff (investigators)

  • Tangible reduction in impunity (independent corruption watchdogs, special oversight)

  • Drug courts and treatment

Inequality and poverty, rapid social change,

Policies that increase inequality of opportunity

Gender inequality, violent discrimination against minorities

Failure of security services to protect people from lethal use of force (predatory policing, corruption, impunity),

Higher tolerance of interpersonal violence in post-conflict countries

​Employability chains’: temporary employment plus soft skills and CBT leading to apprenticeships and microfinance

Evidence-focused changes to physical safety in schools and learning climate

Hot spot’ slum upgrading (CPTED principles) and complementary social interventions

Community policing focusing on hot-spots and localized problems, trust-building

Combination of focused deterrence and “street-worker” / interrupter F2F interventions

​Marital discord, poor parenting  practices, violent parental conflict, 

Low socioeconomic household status,

Lack of positive role models,

Delinquent peers or friends who engage in violence

Parenting programs

Family-based therapy

Family- and school-based disruption of gender stereotypes and violent norms

Social programs highlighting and providing structured access to positive role models

Positive peer association (sports, after-school activities) with community oversight of safety

Biology (exposure to alcohol or substance abuse)

Psychological (personality or behavioral disorder, low-self-esteem), Victim or witness of abuse as child


​Early childhood interventions supported by parenting programs

Preschool enrichment

Therapeutic home support and foster care

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)