Blog » Investor interest in the medical industry should still be high [Analysis]

Investor interest in the medical industry should still be high [Analysis]

Created Mar 10 2022, 12:13 PM by Daniel Douglas
  • Health
  • Health Financing


Investors' interest in the medical industry in 2021 should still be high, and the potential for potential earnings remains significant - analysts estimate. In their opinion, the demand for personal protective equipment or tests will remain at an elevated level. Further partnering agreements in the biotechnology sector can be expected at Celon Pharmie, Ryvu Therapeutics and OncoArendi.

"Information on registrations and market implementations of vaccines against coronavirus was strongly reflected in the prices of most companies from the medical industry. in regulatory processes, implementation of medical procedures, which resulted in significant increases in valuations. price drops "

The coming months and quarters can be exciting for stockholders of companies working on innovative drugs.

"The drug development cycle is several or several years. There are already companies on our market with more advanced projects, in which something interesting may happen in the transactional area. This, combined with the last transaction made by OncoArendi, arouses interest among investors and hope it lasts "

"In the coming year, further projects of innovative drugs from Polish biotech companies are planned to be implemented in clinical trials. The drug projects under development target innovative pathogenesis mechanisms in neoplastic cells (Ryvu, OncoArendi, Celon), inflammatory diseases (OncoArendi, Celon) and civilization diseases (Celon). The companies also plan to select new clinical candidates in the areas of oncology and inflammatory diseases (including Ryvu, OncoArendi). Further partnering agreements for new drug projects can be expected in Celon, Ryvu and OncoArendi "

In her opinion, due to the pandemic situation, shifts in the implementation of projects at the stage of clinical trials may be expected, related to the difficulty in recruiting patients.

"Companies developing projects in the oncology area may be particularly difficult to deal with - some patients give up participation in clinical trials in favor of care at home or in specialized centers. For this reason, we expect delays in the projects developed by Ryvu and Mabion" - said the analyst.

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