Calendar » BBL Application of Social Safeguards Policies to CDD Operations

BBL Application of Social Safeguards Policies to CDD Operations

Created by Soo Jung Yoo
February 2, 2016 | 12:30 PM | MC C2-137




Community-Driven Development (CDD) is an approach that builds capacity and gives control over resources and decision making processes to local communities for meeting their own development needs. Therefore, when carefully targeted and designed, CDD operations offer great opportunities to address social exclusion and service delivery inefficiency, benefitting especially the poorest and most vulnerable members of the community.




This brown bag lunch session features a recently completed “How-to Note on Application of Social Safeguards Policies to CDD Operations”, which provides World Bank task teams, social development specialists, as well as Borrowers, with a simple principles-based guide that may be used as a reference basis in applying social safeguards to CDD projects. The note draws on lessons learned from previous generations of projects and aims to complement existing safeguards guidance materials. It clarifies the circumstances – or scenarios - under which various types of social instruments are required or not in CDD operations. It also provides basic guidelines to be followed for voluntary land donations in CDD projects. The session will be an opportunity for colleagues who are practitioners in CDD operations to share their experiences on the application of the Bank’s policies on Involuntary Resettlement and on Indigenous Peoples to such projects.




Vincent Roquet, Sr. Social Development Specialist working in the Global Social Unit and the author of the note, will explain these steps and key lessons, and John Butler, Lead Social Development Specialist, will share some examples from CDD projects in the East Asia and the Pacific (EAP) Region and practical discussions based on his extensive experience in the area of work.  The presenters will be joined by Sean Bradley, Lead Social Development Specialist, who will discuss operational task team’s perspectives on challenges and opportunities of applying social safeguards. The event will be chaired by Reider Kvam, the Global Lead for Social Sustainability and Safeguards of the Bank.





Reidar Kvam, Global Lead for Social Sustainability and Safeguards, Global Practice for Social, Urban, Rural, and Resilience (GSURR)





Vincent Roquet, Senior Social Development Specialist, GSURR Download Presentation



John Butler, Lead Social Development Specialist (MENA Region), GSURR Download Presentation





Sean Bradley, Lead Social Development Specialist, GSURR