Blog » Speed Management and Traffic Laws Enforcement - OBJECTIVES (Regional Working Group 2)

Speed Management and Traffic Laws Enforcement - OBJECTIVES (Regional Working Group 2)

Created Aug 15 2018, 10:58 AM by Anna Zagrebelna
  • EaP Countries
  • Road Safety
  • Enforcement

General Objective

25% fatlities reduction in all EaP countries by 2020 compared with 2016

WG 2 Objectives

1. Improved speed management and enforcement.

2. Improve enforcement of seatbelts use in all EaPCs

WG 2 Expected results/targets:

1. Increased speed controls by instituting at least mobile/random regular speed enforcement systems in EaPCs and implementing / improving automatic systems.
2. Adoption of max 50 km/h limit in urban areas in all EaPCs
3. Increase seatbelt wearing rate in all EaPCs in front and back seats