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Calendar » Event Invitation: Building Radiation Medicine Capacity in LMICs to Address the Rising Cancer Burden - Join us December 14, 2022, 10:00-11:30 a.m. EST (UHC -05:00 hours)


Event Invitation: Building Radiation Medicine Capacity in LMICs to Address the Rising Cancer Burden - Join us December 14, 2022, 10:00-11:30 a.m. EST (UHC -05:00 hours)

Created by Bruce Summers
December 14, 2022 | 10:00 AM | Health Zoom Meeting:

Building Radiation Medicine Capacity in LMICs:
to Address the Rising Cancer Burden

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 993 4922 4573 | Passcode: BRMC-LM1Cs

Join us on December 14, 2022, 10:00-11:30 a.m. EST
to learn how the International Atomic Energy Agency
is supporting LMICs to build radiation medicine capacity

As the global cancer burden continues to rise, Low- and middle- income countries (LMICs) are disproportionately affected in terms of cancer cases and deaths. By 2040, over 70 percent of cancer deaths are projected to occur in LMICs.  Recommended interventions for preventing cancer have not been adequately implemented, and treatment remains inaccessible in many parts of the world.  Capacity to provide radiation medicine is very limited with many countries not having a single radiotherapy machine. The situation is particularly dire n Africa where nearly 70 percent of countries reported that radiotherapy is generally not available. 

Globally, it is estimated that roughly half of people diagnosed with cancer will require radiotherapy as part of their care and treatment. The expected benefits of investing in radiation medicine are substantial.  According to the Lancet Oncology Commission Report a comprehensive scale-up of imaging, treatment, and care quality would avert roughly 9.6 million (12.5 percent) of all cancer deaths caused by the modelled cancers worldwide, saving 232.3 million life-years.

The IAEA has been working in partnership with multiple stakeholders to support LMICs to expand access to radiation medicine as part of their national cancer control programs.  This includes assistance to carry out technical assessments, roll out programs, and conduct research.  

The event has three broad objectives: (i) enhance understanding of the importance of radiation medicine in cancer control and what are the best buy interventions; (ii) present the role of the IAEA in radiation medicine and share examples from the frontlines; and (iii) identify areas of common interest between the IAEA and the WBG to address radiation medicine in LMICs.  

The event will include two presentations:

•    The IAEA in a nutshell: from research and technical assessments to measurable implementation on the ground: IAEA’s approach, building coalition of partners and donors; Rays of Hope country needs; IAEA’s partnership with WHO
Lisa Stevens, Director, Programme of Action for Cancer Therapy, IAEA
•    The value and impact of diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy in cancer management, life years gained and best buy interventions 
May Abdel-Wahab, Director, Division of Human Health, IAEA 

Lisa Stevens joined the IAEA in June 2019 as the Director, Division of Programme of Action for Cancer Therapy (PACT). Prior to joining the Agency, Ms Stevens spent 24 years in various roles at the US National Cancer Institute (NCI), including as Deputy Director of the Centre for Global Health. She co-founded the International Cancer Control Partnerships in 2012 with the Union for International Cancer Control. 



May Abdel-Wahab, MD, PhD is the Director of the Division of Human Health (NAHU) at the IAEA. She has over 30 years of patient care, teaching, and research experience in the field of radiation oncology, specializing in treatment of prostate and gastrointestinal cancers. She has served as a member and chair, on various National and International committees, including the United Nations Interagency Task Force Steering committee (UNIATF) on Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), which coordinates UN-wide activities in NCDs.


•    Sameera Maziad Al Tuwaijri, Global Lead, Population and Development, WB

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