Health Systems Self-Paced E-Learning Modules
The Health Systems Flagship Program has developed self-paced courses to reach a wider audience and to allow more time for discussion in a virtual setting. The modules are technical courses that complement the core courses and are focused on one specific aspect of health system strengthening.
Course offerings on the World Bank EdCast platform (please note you will be asked to create an account):
- Gender and Universal Health Coverage (UHC)
- Social Health Insurance
- Addressing Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Also available in French and Spanish
Lutter contre la résistance aux antimicrobiens
La lucha contra la resistencia a los antimicriobianos
- Attacking Inequalities in Health Also available in French and Spanish
S'attaquer aux inégalités en santé
Atacar las desigualdades en la salud
Also available in French and Spanish
Changement de comportement pour renforcer les systèmes de santé
El cambio de comportamiento para el fortalecimiento del sistema sanitario
Publication: Strategic Investment for Health System Resilience: A Three-Layer Framework from the World Bank Group Open Knowledge Repository
As efforts to build emergency-ready health systems intensify across the globe, Strategic Investment for Health System Resilience: A Three-Layer Framework provides a practical investment framework and a diverse set of country cases to inform decision-making and strategic resource allocations. The framework includes layer 1, risk reduction—promoting emergency-ready primary health care, public health, prevention, and community preparedness; layer 2, detection, containment, and mitigation capabilities; and layer 3, advanced case management and surge response. This three-layer framework prioritizes interventions that prevent a public health threat from developing in the first place (layer 1), limit its spread should one emerge (layer 2), and manage a widespread crisis that compromises a health system’s ability to deliver care sustainably (layer 3). All three layers play a role in achieving health system resilience, but not all of them have been leveraged equally in the past. Strategic Investment for Health System Resilience offers a glimpse of the relatively low cost of investments in improving the operation of the weakest parts of the three layers. Layer 1 functions are estimated to cost between US$2 per capita in low-income countries and US$4 per capita in lower-middle-income countries. The framework applies equally to short-term epidemics of communicable diseases and to slow-moving trends in noncommunicable diseases. The pace of the needed response to health threats can vary, but all require a system that is resilient across multiple layers of response. Although there is no universal blueprint for every setting, it behooves all countries to seize the moment and invest in the three layers in ways that fit their needs.
“Zhao, Feng; Kovacevic, Rialda; Bishai, David; Weintraub, Jeff; eds.. 2024. Strategic Investment for Health System Resilience: A Three-Layer Framework. Human Development Perspectives. © Washington, DC: World Bank. License: CC BY 3.0 IGO.”
Human Development Perspectives
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