Results-Based Financing Community of Practice

Blog » @Mentions


Created Dec 15 2014, 12:00 AM by Dilshod B. Yusupov

Using @mention, you can alert people, places, and groups that you're talking about them.

When you create or comment on content in your community, you have the ability to mention a person, place, document, or other piece of content. This is a way to give a shout out to someone or something to catch their attention. You might say, "Way to close deals today @Joey Ramone!" or "Trivia Night was a success for Team Chaos! @Trivia Night Group." This notifies any person mentioned after the @ that you are talking about him or her. (Members of groups you mention will see an @mention in Followed Activity.) When someone is @mentioned in a piece of content, a status update, or elsewhere, a notification of the activity flows into their Communications stream. In Jive 5, @mentioning doubles as a link picker in content or in status updates. For example, you can add links to a document or group by typing some of the words in the title after typing @. You can even use both formats in the same status update, for example to announce "Joey Ramone and Johnny Ramone, check out my new Album Review of Rocket to Russia in the community"!

  1. Type the "@" symbol (or click the "@" icon if it is available). A search dialog opens and suggests possible matches. To narrow matches, use an underscore (_) as a space. For example, @Mike_D would match the Mikes whose last name begins with "D." Your picker will include documents, discussions and places as well as people. Keep typing to narrow the choices further.
  2. Select the correct match from the list. The new link shows up in your content.