Results-Based Financing Community of Practice

Blog » Financing the Inclusive Cities Presentation

Financing the Inclusive Cities Presentation

Created Apr 27 2015, 5:41 PM by Dilshod B. Yusupov
  • Energy
  • OBA RBF Knowledge Hub

Dear OBA/RBF Community Members,


Please find attached the presentation "Financing the Inclusive Cities Agenda: Lessons from Recent PforRs and other RBF tools aimed at Improving Access to Urban Services in Low Income Communities" session during the GPSURR Forum 2015.


The session explored the recent experiences in the use of  Results Based Financing instruments such as PforRs and OBA, in order to learn how these instruments could effectively be used to ensure basic service provision in low income communities.  The session provided examples of recent experiences in PforRs used in urban operations and output based approaches that extend last mile connections to poor households. The recent examples were used as the basis for reviewing the key concepts and elements of RBF operations, and were followed by brainstorming session with participants to discern how RBF can be expanded, particularly in slums and low income communities, where informality may add an additional level of complexity.The session was co-led by GSG on low income communities and urban poverty and GSG on Municipal Finance.