Results-Based Financing Community of Practice

Blog » Support design of a Results-based Financing Facility on Monetization of Co-Benefits from Clean Cooking and Heating Interventions

Support design of a Results-based Financing Facility on Monetization of Co-Benefits from Clean Cooking and Heating Interventions

Created Dec 19 2016, 12:00 AM by Dilshod B. Yusupov
  • Energy

Building on the positive experience of monetizing climate benefits of Efficient Clean Cooking and Heating (ECCH) interventions (through carbon markets), and taking advantage of recent progress in developing methodologies to measure health, gender and expanded climate benefits, the World Bank is consulting stakeholders on a proposed approach for paying for verified climate, health and gender benefits as an innovative way of: (1) attracting funds that target public good benefits for climate, health and gender, (2) developing the market for ECCH by catalyzing private investment, innovation, and risk-taking, and (3) over time, mainstreaming approaches to quantify the benefits of ECCH into national policies and budgetary allocations. The objective of this consulting assignment is to collect key inputs and stakeholder perspectives, build fact base, analyze options, and provide recommendations for the World Bank to inform the design of the RBF facility.


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