Results-Based Financing for Climate

Blog » Solar Energy to Power Water Supply in Tanzania-Incentive Payment

Solar Energy to Power Water Supply in Tanzania-Incentive Payment

Created Feb 21 2017, 12:00 AM by Julian Sosa Valles
  • Clean energy-project examples
  • Water-project examples

Project Name:

Solar Energy to Power Water Supply in Tanzania





RBF Instrument:

OBA, performance payment


Budget (USD):

$102.90 million


Project sponsors:

World Bank



The replacement of diesel pump by solar pump has not only reduced the carbon emission from consuming clean energy, but also cut more than 40% of the costs on operation and maintenance (O&M) comparing to diesel options. The lower life-cycle-cost of the solar power has led to a much wider and sustainable utilization of solar water pump, especially in rural areas of Tanzania.


Description of the RBF Scheme:

The project is financed by a common basket fund, administered and monitored by the World Bank. Measurable results coming out of the project include 1) water points built or rehabilitated, 2) number of households/ schools gaining access to improved sanitation. Disbursement has been made against the achievement of these measurable results.


Publication Title:

Tanzania Water Sector Support Project - Additional Financing. World Bank.


Projects : Tanzania Water Sector Support Project - Additional Financing | The World Bank