Competitive Cities TDD

Blog » Guidelines for Clients travel to Competitive Cities TDD

Guidelines for Clients travel to Competitive Cities TDD

Created Sep 11 2017, 4:31 AM by Chiyuki Mifuji
  • 2. Preparation


Please find charge code and guidelines on how to prepare for client's travel in Guidelines for Clients travel Competitive CIties TDD pdf file.


Bank Account information.docx to be use when need to enter bank account information in SAP. 


Trip Worksheet maybe use as reimbursement guidelines.


Please note that we are going to Kobe City  other than Tokyo, so please include Kobe City into TR as Follows;

10/28 (Sun): Arrive at Tokyo

11/1 (Wed): Tokyo to Kobe

11/2 (Thu):  Kobe to Tokyo

11/4 (Sat): Leave from Tokyo