Women’s Economic Empowerment in South Asia             (Hosted by SAR GIL)
Showing 1 - 6 of Results 6

Investments in Childcare for Gender Equality in Asia and the...

Focusing on public childcare provision across 48 economies in Asia and the Pacific, this report provides an analysis of policy and institutional frameworks for childcare (ages 0-6 years old) and offer...

last modified: Veronica Del Motto

Women’s Advancement in Banking in Emerging South Asian Count...

This IFC study, one of the first in the region, covers 20 private commercial banks across Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka and spotlights opportunities for achieving more equitable work outcomes for w...

last modified: Veronica Del Motto

Evidence Review on the Role of Male Engagement in Women’s Ec...

This compilation of four reports outlines current research, effective methods, and recommendations for engaging men in WEE – at the household, community, and policy levels. Topics covered also include...

last modified: Veronica Del Motto

Enhancing STEM Education and Careers in Sri Lanka (2023)

Enhancing women’s careers in STEM requires changes in multiple levels of education – primary, secondary, tertiary, and technical and vocational education and training (TVET) – as well as the labor mar...

last modified: Veronica Del Motto

Exploring the Sources of the Agricultural Productivity Gende...

Smaller plot size is the leading source of female productivity advantage as measured by yield per unit of land, reflecting the inverse relationship between cultivated area and productivity in Sri Lank...

last modified: Veronica Del Motto

Business Case for Creating Respectful Workspaces in Sri Lank...

A survey of businesses conducted by the International Finance Corporation found that three out of five people surveyed experienced some form of workplace violence or harassment, which incurs significa...

last modified: Veronica Del Motto