Women’s Economic Empowerment in South Asia             (Hosted by SAR GIL)
Showing 1 - 10 of Results 10

India - Toolkit for Enabling Gender Responsive Urban Mobilit...

As rapid urbanization transforms India (and other countries in South Asia), the call for inclusive city designs is inextricably linked with women’s empowerment. Packed with good practices, this two-vo...

last modified: Veronica Del Motto

Women Need a Greater Role in Designing Transport Systems in ...

Women have unique travel patterns that need to be considered in transport planning, and their underrepresentation in the sector must be addressed. Read more.

last modified: Veronica Del Motto

Mind the (Gender) Gap: How Cities Are Putting Women at the H...

Transportation is one of the biggest barriers to women’s workforce participation globally, but some cities are working to address mobility constraints through changes in policy, planning, infrastructu...

last modified: Veronica Del Motto

India: Making Public Transport More Women-Friendly

Transport authorities have historically prioritized rush hour commuting needs, often overlooking the safety, convenience, and comfort of women's travel, which must be addressed to ensure equality. Rea...

last modified: Veronica Del Motto

Global Roadmap of Action: Toward Sustainable Mobility – Gend...

Produced by the Sustainable Mobility for All (SuM4All) initiative, this report identifies gaps, necessary steps, and appropriate instruments for improving women’s mobility. It finds that the transport...

last modified: Veronica Del Motto

Infrastructure and Girls’ Education: Bicycles, Roads, and th...

Access to all-weather roads and a bicycle can have a complementary effect on secondary school enrollment among girls in Bihar, India. These findings highlight the importance of well-functioning infras...

last modified: Veronica Del Motto

Women’s Mobility and Labor Supply: Experimental Evidence fro...

Physical mobility constraints can have a large impact on job seeking, especially in cities with high crime rates and conservative social norms. This study experimentally varies access to a transport s...

last modified: Veronica Del Motto

Constraints to Women’s Use of Public Transport in Developing...

This two-part series provides a comprehensive, yet concise, overview of how public transportation perpetuates gender mobility gaps in developing countries. Part One concentrates on affordability, freq...

last modified: Veronica Del Motto

Bangladesh: Need to Expand Road Safety Discourse to Stop Sex...

For many Bangladeshi women using public transport “is like going to war every day,” with rampant sexual harassment creating a barrier to increasing female workforce participation. Read more

last modified: Veronica Del Motto

Stepping Out and Stepping Up: Transport and Women’s Economic...

Transportation systems affect women’s daily lives and likely explain part of the observed gender gaps in economic opportunities in South Asia. The ability to conduct activities outside the family home...

last modified: Veronica Del Motto