Women’s Economic Empowerment in South Asia             (Hosted by SAR GIL)

Blog » Gender-Smart Agriculture: The Only Way Forward for Women and Climate (2022)

Gender-Smart Agriculture: The Only Way Forward for Women and Climate (2022)

Created 54 days ago by Veronica Del Motto
  • Climate Change
  • Agriculture

Despite being a significant percentage of the world’s farmers, women face major gaps in capturing the benefits of climate-smart agriculture – leading to gender gaps in productivity (and greater food insecurity and income losses). This blog offers examples where climate-smart agriculture policies, technologies, and tools are being designed to also work for women. For example, in Nepal, the installation of solar-based irrigation systems is helping to decrease women’s workloads, grow high-value crops, and earn higher incomes in rural communities where high male out-migration has escalated women’s responsibilities in agriculture. It also offers a useful list of 5 gender-smart indicators for measuring gender empowerment.