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Blog » Financing for Gender Equality in Latin America and the Caribbean (2023)

Financing for Gender Equality in Latin America and the Caribbean (2023)

Created 57 days ago by Veronica Del Motto
  • Gender Budgeting

This note provides an overview of the gender-informed PFM instruments used in Latin American and Caribbean countries. Governments have used public financial management (PFM) institutions and processes to align national budget allocations with their gender equality priorities. PFM refers to principles and institutions that governments use to plan, budget, execute, oversee, and evaluate the use of public resources. While there is no one-size-fits-all gendered PFM approach, integrating a gender lens in budgeting builds on two key elements: clearly articulated gender gaps and the government’s policies to close these gender gaps. A phased approach to integrating gender considerations in budgeting typically helps countries manage change and develop the PFM tools to link budgets with gender equality objectives.