Welcome to our Collaboration for Development (C4D) Platform. This new C4D Platform hosts and co-hosts over 100 external, social collaboration Groups, Communities of Practice (CoPs), Subgroups, and Online Collaboration Spaces. The C4D hosts thousands of members and over one million visitors annually from all over the globe. Our focus is on strengthening Connections, Collaboration, and Communications between World Bank Group staff and non-World Bank colleagues on a wide range of timely and topical global, regional, and local development issues.
Visitors can view content in our “Public” Groups. We encourage visitors to become “Members” of C4D, this allows them to add content to the groups, to reply, comment, share and learn, in short, to become an active participant in collaborative dialogue. Members can join one or more “Public” Groups or ask to join “Private” Groups. The community Managers/Moderators will determine who can join a “Private” Group. Some are restricted to a targeted set of practitioners. Others are more open to new member requests.
Please sign up for a C4D account and then start discovering and exploring the groups.