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[P107027] Concept Note - National Affordable Housing Policy and Subsidies in Egypt
Egypt needs also a new policy in good terms strenghten and unifying in good terms Africa all, again as in ancient times and in better seeing also either contraddictions the potential of Egypt (even sometimes for example for engineering the risk is as Unesco also had underlined to overcome sectors and destroy heritage and monumental areas ).
Is not extremism, nationalism or isis or similar concepts, is focusing on real capabilities of that country that must overcome difficulties and come back again to have his position with the respect of human rights and seeing also what had give to the whole world along centuries and thousands of years since the west greek society to the far east.
The house policy is a good instrument for Egypt but is not unique for that. In every case housing policy should also be within all capacity developement factors, included enginering diplomacy that in Egypt and should be now totally "in good sense" both for efficiency both for efficacy facts.. I suggest a company which i suggesed much in past times and something of good happened, that is the Arab Contractors a pan egyptian construction company with also european partecipations that established also the new alexandrine biblioteque in Alexandria of Egypt and morevoer. They do also restorations of differents monuments of different religious confessions and have as other egyptian groups also USA and eastern europe partecipations and places.
The importance of moderation and sustainability also in edil sector should be improved but as follows I suggest two importants egyptian transcontinental edil groups that could do the difference also in housing policy (with different projects that they do on).
The objective of this Policy Note, in response to two requests from HE the Minister of Housing, Utilities and Urban Development and HE the Minister of Investment, is to assist the GOE in its efforts to: (a) formulate policies to address existing distortions that prevent limited income households from accessing affordable housing in urban areas and affect the efficiency of the overall urban housing market, including recommending improvements to the existing institutional/regulatory framework, and housing subsidy mechanisms; and (b) put in 6 place mechanisms to effectively implement the National Affordable Housing Program target of 500,000 housing units through proposing improvements to the two existing implementation instruments, namely the NHAPA and GSF. The Policy Note would develop in conjunction with key stakeholders at the Ministries of Housing and Investment an implementation action plan with short, medium/long term measures. |
Nov 03 2020, 2:24 AM |
[P107027] Concept Note - National Affordable Housing Policy and Subsidies in Egypt
hi, very interested on theese themes and would like to collaborate and contribute because I Can contribute.
The objective of this Policy Note, in response to two requests from HE the Minister of Housing, Utilities and Urban Development and HE the Minister of Investment, is to assist the GOE in its efforts to: (a) formulate policies to address existing distortions that prevent limited income households from accessing affordable housing in urban areas and affect the efficiency of the overall urban housing market, including recommending improvements to the existing institutional/regulatory framework, and housing subsidy mechanisms; and (b) put in 6 place mechanisms to effectively implement the National Affordable Housing Program target of 500,000 housing units through proposing improvements to the two existing implementation instruments, namely the NHAPA and GSF. The Policy Note would develop in conjunction with key stakeholders at the Ministries of Housing and Investment an implementation action plan with short, medium/long term measures. |
Nov 03 2020, 2:10 AM |
Posted BG/SBLC on Discussion
Dear Sir Thank you |
Feb 26 2020, 11:06 PM |
Greater Baku Housing Sector Diagnostic
Sep 26 2019, 1:33 PM |
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Housing Finance
Having just joined Collaboration 4 Development I am eager to make a contribution to the challenges within Social Housing around property, personal injury and fatality losses due to home fires. Guardian Fire Shield [GFS] is a Canadian Invented, Aerospace Manufactured, Patented Auto Fire Suppression Technology that goes off at 135°F. Cost effecient, recharable and comes with a $5Million Certificate of Liability - important to those who can't acquire insurance on their homes. GFS is designed to protect both the home owner and their insurer/underwriter from associated losses. For more information on GFS see
This article is originally posted here.
Key Messages
The Development ChallengesThe world’s population is growing and moving into urban areas rapidly. This puts a double strain on existing housing resources. Many countries are unable to keep up with the demand, and the result is burgeoning areas of informal housing, overcrowding, and slums.Addressing these challenges requires large-scale investment in housing production. Governments alone cannot meet this burden, so private sector funds need to be channeled into housing investment. This requires a housing finance system to be functional for home buyers and real estate developers. One of the key challenges is overcoming the obstacles to creating a functioning housing finance market. These obstacles may include lack of credit risk management tools, difficulties foreclosing on property, difficulties registering title and land, lack of capacity among lenders, affordability when interest rates and inflation are high and, probably most critical of all, lack of access to long-term finance. Another challenge is how to develop affordable housing solutions for lower and informal income groups Whilst the usual building blocks of title registration, foreclosure, sound lending regulations, consumer information, long-term funding instruments, etc. remain paramount to the successful development of any system, increasingly, the focus has also moved to finding a means of expanding access to housing finance to lower and informal income households.A final key challenge in many middle-income countries and developed economies is the effect of the financial crisis on housing finance markets. This led to a sharp slowdown in lending and much reduced affordability because of higher deposit requirements or stricter underwriting rules. The World Bank’s ResponseThe housing finance team works in coordination with other parts of the World Bank and IFC to provide a comprehensive approach that reaches across the entire housing value chain. The team’s focus is on five strategic areas to provide governments in client countries the tools to tackle the challenges listed above. These include:
Each of these areas is critical to build a sustainable and efficient housing finance system—a system that will benefit people from many income levels and will allow them affordable housing. The most important aspect of the work, though, is creating systems that address the needs of households at different income levels, yet also building a system that can be sustained, scaled up, and oriented to the private sector. |
Aug 13 2019, 7:13 PM |
Posted Greater Baku Housing Sector Diagnostic on Documents
Mar 22 2019, 1:40 PM |
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Updated 2016 ADBi WP Housing Market and Housing Policies in Japan.pdf on Documents
Housing policies in Japan after World War II were focused on the quantitative supply of houses with a wide range of targeted groups and public rental houses. The Japan Housing Corporation (now the Urban Renaissance Agency) and the Government Housing Loan Corporation (now the Japan Housing Finance Agency) have served to address these policy targets accordingly. The restoration of housing stock was successful, but the collapse of the property bubble in the early 1990s caused negative impact on the real economy and created persistent loss of confidence among the Japanese people, which is exacerbated by deflation and negative demographic factors (decrease of the population and aging of society). Enhancement of the quality of houses is an important part of the housing policy in Japan, but, at the same time, there needs to be a balance between new construction and the activation of existing housing stocks. Given the social experiments currently underway, there is need to closely monitor the changes of market trends. |
Jun 04 2018, 8:05 PM |
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Updated AFFORDABLE HOUSING KSB newsletter issue #3.docx on Documents
Jun 04 2018, 8:05 PM |
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Updated AFFORDABLE HOUSING KSB newsletter issue #2.docx on Documents
Jun 04 2018, 8:05 PM |
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Updated AFFORDABLE HOUSING KSB newsletter issue #1.docx on Documents
Jun 04 2018, 8:05 PM |