The ESF in Practice: A Webinar Training Course for Government Officials and Consultants
File Type Name Description Last Updated Rating
CORE PACKAGE FOR TRAINING ORGANIZERS All materials required to deliver the training 29 days ago Jong A. Choi
Module Presentations in PDF For distribution to participants Apr 15 2024, 12:31 PM Laura Lewis De Brular
FY21 End of Year Report - ESF in Practice.pdf FY21 End of Year Report... Read More Sep 14 2021, 10:20 PM Jong A. Choi

0.00 out of 5 stars (0)

Reference Materials For distribution to participants Aug 11 2021, 7:03 PM Laura Lewis De Brular
Course Agenda.docx May 2021 Version... Read More May 18 2021, 9:34 PM Jong A. Choi

0.00 out of 5 stars (0)

Case Study Materials in PDF For distribution to participants Apr 12 2021, 4:26 PM Laura Lewis De Brular

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