CDD and Local Economic Development in a Rural Context
CDD and Local Economic Development in a Rural Context
Wednesday, December 12 | 9:00-10:30am | Room MC 2-520
Government clients and task teams have expressed increasing interest in income generation and job creation for the poor through CDD and local economic development (LED) approaches. LED can be explained as “a process by which public, business and non-governmental sector partners work collectively to create better conditions for economic growth and employment generation” World Bank (2006). To learn from Bank projects implementing LED approaches in rural areas, the CDD GSG undertook a global literature review and identified 19 projects that emphasize: a) a territorial, spatial development focus; b) linking poor people to economic opportunities; and c) infrastructure investments that promote local value chains. This learning event focuses on three of these projects, and lessons learned.
Chair and Discussant:
Susan Wong, Global Lead, Community-Driven Development, Global Solutions Group
Somik Lall, Global Lead, Territorial Development and Productivity, Global Solutions Group
Maria de Fatima de Sousa, Senior Rural Development Specialist
TTL – Bahia Sustainable Rural Development Project, Brazil
Vara Vemuru, Lead Social Development Specialist
TTL – Development Response to Displacement Impacts Project, Uganda
Varun Singh, Senior Social Development Specialist
Task Team - Andhra Pradesh Rural Inclusive Growth Project, India
Blog » CDD and Local Economic Development in a Rural Context
CDD and Local Economic Development in a Rural Context
CDD and Local Economic Development in a Rural Context
Wednesday, December 12 | 9:00-10:30am | Room MC 2-520
Government clients and task teams have expressed increasing interest in income generation and job creation for the poor through CDD and local economic development (LED) approaches. LED can be explained as “a process by which public, business and non-governmental sector partners work collectively to create better conditions for economic growth and employment generation” World Bank (2006). To learn from Bank projects implementing LED approaches in rural areas, the CDD GSG undertook a global literature review and identified 19 projects that emphasize: a) a territorial, spatial development focus; b) linking poor people to economic opportunities; and c) infrastructure investments that promote local value chains. This learning event focuses on three of these projects, and lessons learned.
Chair and Discussant:
Susan Wong, Global Lead, Community-Driven Development, Global Solutions Group
Somik Lall, Global Lead, Territorial Development and Productivity, Global Solutions Group
Maria de Fatima de Sousa, Senior Rural Development Specialist
TTL – Bahia Sustainable Rural Development Project, Brazil
Vara Vemuru, Lead Social Development Specialist
TTL – Development Response to Displacement Impacts Project, Uganda
Varun Singh, Senior Social Development Specialist
Task Team - Andhra Pradesh Rural Inclusive Growth Project, India