CDD and Impact Bonds
Co-hosted by the Community-Driven Development Global Solutions Group/
Community of Practice and the Global Partnership for Results-Based Approaches (GPRBA)
Tuesday, June 18 | 12:30 – 2:00pm | Room MC 6 - 860
Task teams have expressed increasing interest in using impact bonds in the context of CDD operations. Impact bonds refer to performance-based contracts in which investors provide upfront funding to deliver social or environmental interventions and the outcome funder repays the investor the principal and a return if the agreed outcomes are achieved. There are 151 impact bonds active globally today, of which 138 are in high-income countries (mostly in the U.S., Australia, the U.K.), and only 13 in middle- and low-income countries. The Bank participates in three such impact bonds and the BBL will highlight two of them – the Uzbekistan Early Childhood Education and the West Bank & Gaza Finance for Jobs Impact Bonds, plus Women’s Livelihood Bond that focuses on women entrepreneurship in rural India. In addition, the BBL will feature the Poverty Alleviation Outcomes Fund – one of the first attempts to support impact bonds at scale. In this BBL, the speakers will draw on their experience to explore opportunities for using impact bonds in CDD operations.
Susan Wong, Global Lead, Community-Driven Development
Shobha Shetty, Practice Manager, Global Partnerships & Resource Mobilization
Presentation: India Women’s Livelihood Bond
Inga Afanasieva, Infrastructure Specialist and Stefanie Ridenour, Financial Sector Specialist
Presentation: Uzbekistan Early Childhood Education Impact Bond and West Bank & Gaza Finance for Jobs Impact Bond
Max Bode, Associate Partner, Instiglio
Presentation: Poverty Alleviation Outcomes Fund
Blog » CDD and Impact Bonds
CDD and Impact Bonds
Co-hosted by the Community-Driven Development Global Solutions Group/
Community of Practice and the Global Partnership for Results-Based Approaches (GPRBA)
Tuesday, June 18 | 12:30 – 2:00pm | Room MC 6 - 860
Task teams have expressed increasing interest in using impact bonds in the context of CDD operations. Impact bonds refer to performance-based contracts in which investors provide upfront funding to deliver social or environmental interventions and the outcome funder repays the investor the principal and a return if the agreed outcomes are achieved. There are 151 impact bonds active globally today, of which 138 are in high-income countries (mostly in the U.S., Australia, the U.K.), and only 13 in middle- and low-income countries. The Bank participates in three such impact bonds and the BBL will highlight two of them – the Uzbekistan Early Childhood Education and the West Bank & Gaza Finance for Jobs Impact Bonds, plus Women’s Livelihood Bond that focuses on women entrepreneurship in rural India. In addition, the BBL will feature the Poverty Alleviation Outcomes Fund – one of the first attempts to support impact bonds at scale. In this BBL, the speakers will draw on their experience to explore opportunities for using impact bonds in CDD operations.
Susan Wong, Global Lead, Community-Driven Development
Shobha Shetty, Practice Manager, Global Partnerships & Resource Mobilization
Presentation: India Women’s Livelihood Bond
Inga Afanasieva, Infrastructure Specialist and Stefanie Ridenour, Financial Sector Specialist
Presentation: Uzbekistan Early Childhood Education Impact Bond and West Bank & Gaza Finance for Jobs Impact Bond
Max Bode, Associate Partner, Instiglio
Presentation: Poverty Alleviation Outcomes Fund