
Discussion » Ask a Question - Share an Answer

Ask a Question - Share an Answer

Who: Any member of Communities4Dev can ask questions . Any member can and should respond to questions from other members. Communities4Dev is about sharing and learning.


1. Click "Join" on the upper right side of the Communities4Dev Home page to become a member

2. If you have not already done so, must also be a registered member of C4D (See Pages 2 and 3 in the Collaboration for Development Quick Start Guide)

What: Questions should mostly be related to community management, communities of practice, training or coaching.

Example: Do we have to have a core team and a core group, we only have about 25 members?

Perhaps out of scope:

Example: Do you offer a course on how to use system thinking in health financing? 

When: This site is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week.  Ask a question as you think of it. Similarly, if you see a question that you can answer, go ahead and respond even if it is just 3 bullets, based on your experience.

Where: 1.Click on the Discussions Tab. 2. Then click New Post.  After your Question is Posted, then any member can 3. Post a reply to your question or reply to another member's reply.

Why: Ask a question? We hope Communities4Dev will be a resoure where people can quickly find community management tip, tools and resources, but also where you ask and  questions from your peers.  We hope to build a sense of community where you can go to find your one minute solutions - just-in-time - or to find a more nuanced answer building on the collective experienc of the group. So, have you asked your question?

Tip: When you ask a question, it is good practice to share a bit of background.  This will help us to respond:)