Data-driven Digital Agriculture: Knowledge and Learning Platform

Blog » Cultivhacktion – Indonesia Digital Agriculture Hackathon

Cultivhacktion – Indonesia Digital Agriculture Hackathon

Created Oct 06 2021, 8:08 AM by Vivek Prasad

“CultivHacktion” which is a combination of “Cultivate” + “Hackathon” + “Action”. With that aspiration, CultivHacktion will serve as a platform for young innovators to co-create together with Ministry of Agriculture, Indonesia,  and address these problem statements with the datasets and demonstrate viable solutions. CultivHacktion is the beginning of a series of innovation effort to operationalize data-driven agriculture at the national level and provincial level, starting with West Java horticulture sector.  It is a crowdsourcing approach and pilot promising digital agriculture solutions that could scale out and mainstream under ICARE project. The launch event was on Sept 24, 2021 to celebrate Indonesia National Farmer’s Day. 

 Please the video below to watch the recorded video of the opening ceremony.


Please click the video below to watch the recorded video of Data Hackathon Problem Statement