Data-driven Digital Agriculture: Knowledge and Learning Platform


Welcome to Data-driven Digital Agriculture: Knowledge and Learning Platform

This a One-Stop-Shop to share knowledge, analytics, innovations, tools, and best practices among practitioners, policymakers, innovators, researchers, and experts in the area of Data-driven Digital Agriculture. The platform is available to The World Bank staff to support policy advice, analytical reports, diagnostics, project and program design and investments in the area. It also includes opportunities for developing partnerships with key stakeholders in this area.

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Transforming Agriculture and Food Systems through Data-driven Digital Agriculture: Learning from Practitioners

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Highlights: Cultivhacktion – Indonesia Digital Agriculture Hackathon 

Watch the recorded video of Cultivhacktion – Indonesia Digital Agriculture Hackathon

Read the Blog Investing in data and innovation ecosystem to transform Indonesia’s agriculture

Watch the recorded webinar on CultivHacktion- Data Hackathon: Harvesting Innovations for Agricultural Transformation in Indonesia (English)

Watch the recorded webinar on CultivHacktion- Data Hackathon: Harvesting Innovations for Agricultural Transformation in Indonesia (Indonesian Bahasa)











Just released report on  Digital Revitalization of the Agri-food Sector in Mashreq Focus on Iraq, Jordan, and LebanonThe Mashreq countries of focus (Iraq, Jordan, and Lebanon) have significant comparative advantage for exporting high-value fresh products to premium markets and expanding water-efficient agricultural production. Stimulating the agriculture sector will also stimulate other economic sectors in all three countries, supporting input supplies, food processing, logistics, and financial services. Supporting agriculture provides an economy-wide multiplier effect.


Digital Agriculture Profiles Turkey, Kenya, ArgentinaVietnamSouth AfricaRwanda, and Côte d'Ivoire

Digital technologies are slowly spreading in agriculture sectors globally. But their adoption is hampered by the digital divide which requires significant public investments, improved policy and incentive frameworks to be bridged. Only after that, digital transformation will take place at scale. Digital Agriculture Profile (DAP) is meant to assess the country's readiness for this digital transformation by identifying main bottlenecks, opportunities and risks for digital transformation. DAP will thus guide public investment and policy work to accelerate the scaling up of digital transformation. Please click the respective links to download DAP of Turkey, Kenya, ArgentinaVietnamSouth AfricaRwanda, and Côte d'Ivoire


Digital Agriculture: New Frontiers for the Food System March 17th, 2021

 Rising food insecurity and malnutrition, combined with high food loss and waste, agricultural pollution and persistent poverty, show that the world’s food system is not fit for purpose—and COVID-19 has only worsened existing fault lines in the food and agriculture sector. The ongoing digital revolution could be transformative for food and agriculture, and create more efficient, equitable, and environmentally sustainable ways to feed the world. Click the image or link above to watch the recorded video. 


 The new bookWhat’s cooking: the digital transformation of the agrifood system which proposes a roadmap through which data and digital technologies can lead to efficient, equitable and environmentally sustainable food systems, and looks at the role of the public sector in ensuring these outcomes are maximized. 

Citation “Schroeder, Kateryna; Lampietti, Julian; Elabed, Ghada. 2021. What's Cooking : Digital Transformation of the Agrifood System. Agriculture and Food Series;. Washington, DC: World Bank. © World Bank. License: CC BY 3.0 IGO.” URI


Beyond the Pandemic: Harnessing the Digital Revolution to Set Food Systems on a Better Course by Julian Lampietti, Ghada El Abed, and Kateryna Schroeder

 One of the most striking images of the coronavirus pandemic is the contrast between farmers dumping milk, smashing eggs, and plowing vegetables back into the soil and consumers facing empty store shelves and long lines at food distribution centers. How is it possible to have over-abundance on one hand and scarcity on the other? 

FUTURE of FOOD Harnessing Digital Technologies to Improve Food System Outcomes

This report looks at the opportunities from digital technologies, including better transparency of agricultural value chains, smarter farms, and improved public services. It also reviews some of the risks, including an over-concentration of service provider market power, poor data governance, and exclusion. It presents a set of potential entry points for public sector action to seize the opportunities that expanding rural network coverage can bring while fostering digital entrepreneurship and facilitating demand. Read more


Scaling Up Disruptive Agricultural Technologies in Africa

This study—which includes a pilot intervention in Kenya—aims to further the state of knowledge about the emerging trend of disruptive agricultural technologies (DATs) in Africa, with a focus on supply-side dynamics. The first part of the study is a stocktaking analysis to assess the number, scope, trend, and characteristics of scalable disruptive technology innovators in agriculture in Africa. From a database of 434 existing DAT operations, the analysis identified 194 as scalable. The second part of the study is a comparative case study of Africa’s two most successful DAT ecosystems in Kenya and Nigeria, which together account for half of Sub-Saharan Africa’s active DATs. Scaling Up Disruptive Agricultural Technologies in Africa concludes by establishing that DATs are demonstrating early indications of a positive impact in addressing food system constraints. Read more 

HANDBOOK: Digital Financial Services for Agriculture

This handbook offers financial services providers an understanding of smallholder farmers and agricultural value chains, and practical guidance on how to develop and launch sustainable financial services for the agricultural sector. It surveys the current landscape in terms of existing DFS offerings in the agricultural sector, to share actual market experience and lessons learned from the pioneers in the market. Read more


Digital Agriculture Platform Blueprints: A report by Mercy Corps AgriFin, GIZ, and Dalberg 

The challenges in agriculture in Africa, particularly for the smallholder farmers producing 80% of its food for consumption, are complex, and no single solution exists to reverse age-old issues around markets, infrastructure, poverty and exclusion. These trends are now further compounded by increased competition over natural resources, massive urban migration and increasing climate-related shocks. Despite these trends, the effective application of digital technology has emerged as a  catalytic  tool  in  addressing  market  gaps and  challenges  faced  in  agriculture,  including  for smallholder farmers  at the end of the last mile.  Read more

Digital Technologies in Agriculture and Rural Areas: A report by FAO

The rise of digital agriculture could be the most transformative and disruptive of all the industries, because digital agriculture not only will change how farmers farm their farms, but also will transform fundamentally every part of the agrifood value chain. Digital agriculture will affect the behavior of farmers, and affect the way that input providers, processing and retail companies’ market, price and sell their products. Read more 


Digital and Data-Driven Agriculture: Harnessing the Power of Data for Smallholders

Do you know that data-driven agriculture can boost farmers’ productivity? The data has numerous uses in farming, namely planning, monitoring and assessment, event intervention and management, tracing and tracking, market access and negotiations, optimization, and forecasting. In particular, the use of data in agriculture is the future of farming. Reading this article can be an eye-opener for how data could be used to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of agricultural activities. Read more


The Digitalisation Of African Agriculture Report by CTA

Why are digital solutions and agriculture data potentially so transformative? For farmers, they offer access to tailored information and insights that allow individuals to optimize their production, gain access to appropriate products and services, and explore new linkages with markets. D4Ag provides enterprises deeper understanding of their target segments, allowing them to better tailor their interventions to the needs of smallholder farmers. Governments, likewise, can use improved understanding of farmer segments to improve macro-decision policymaking, as well as the design and implementation of their programmes. A report by The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation ACP-EU (CTA) Read more 

Byte by Byte: Policy Innovation for Transforming Africa’s Food System with Digital Technologies

Did you know that to this day many African farmers do not have access to the market and finances required to maximize their farming profitability and outputs? This article can be useful in providing appropriate and dependable solutions that make use of digital technologies. Specifically speaking, digitizing agriculture leads to proper decision-making, such as knowing when to plant or harvest, and can lead to a sustainable increase of the farming produce. Thus, with digitization, food security in Africa is possible. Read more


How data-driven farming could transform agriculture

Microsoft researcher Dr. Ranveer Chandra discusses his team's mission to reinvent rural agriculture. Using cost-effective Internet of Things applications, Chandra outlines how providing wide-ranging crop data to farmers can reduce time, money, and resources while simultaneously increasing crop yields; a potential solution to future worldwide food shortages. Ranveer Chandra is a Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research where he is leading an Incubation on IoT Applications.

Data-driven and Digital solutions to Small-holder Farmers

CropIn has partnered with the World Bank and the Government of India as a technology provider in the Sustainable Livelihoods and Adaptation to Climate Change (SLACC) project, which attempts to provide digital solutions to help farmers adapt faster to climate change.

Featured Content

Open Learning CampusWhat’s Cooking - Digital Agriculture Learning Series

A collection of 65 videos to find out how can the public and private sector make better use of data-driven digital agriculture tools to combat hunger and poverty and enhance food security all over the world?



Meet Our Farmers: Using Digital Agriculture


Video-Based Learning from Leading Practitioners


The World Bank Group Blogs on Data-driven Digital Agriculture and AgTech


e-Learning on Digital Agriculture 

This five-week course will provide a high-level overview of Digital Agricultural Technologies (DAT) concepts, potential impact, range of technologies available, used cases as well as forward-looking technologies. 

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DIGITAGRO Digital Technology to Increase Market Access for Women Agri-preneurs in Guatemala

One Million Farmer Platform in Kenya: Scaling up Disruptive Agricultural Technologies (DAT)