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Calendar » Tech Empowered “Bees for Coffee”: A Winning Combination for the Colombian Farmers

Tech Empowered “Bees for Coffee”: A Winning Combination for the Colombian Farmers

Created by Vivek Prasad
May 19, 2022 | 8:30 AM |

Meeting link:

Meeting number: 2300 557 6605   Password: tGUg5fwXU29


On May 20th, we will be celebrating World Bee Day. A dedicated day to celebrate and build awareness on the most effective and essential pollinator to our global agriculture. They are vital to the survival and well-being of a healthy and prosperous ecosystem. Bees pollinate 1 out of every three bites of food that we eat. While the volume of agricultural production dependent on insect pollination has boomed in the past 25 years, the natural wild "free" pollinators are declining. 

Ubees' technology disrupts traditional beekeeping using connected sensors and sustainable practices. Managing the health and the performance of the hives remotely enables us to anticipate the risk to the colonies' development and increase the precision of the pollination.

The "Bees for coffee" project emerged from Nespresso's initiative to promote resilience in coffee farming and Ubees' vision to save the bees thanks to technology, traditional beekeeping, and sustainable practices. The project aims to equip small Colombian coffee farmers with beehives and improve their income through technology and training while promoting environmentally friendly beekeeping practices. Our advanced monitoring and traceability technologies (IoT sensors) ensure accurate precision for bees and efficiency for customers.

The panel will be sharing an introduction to the current bee situation in the global context before sharing the key achievement behind the 'Bees for Coffee' project.

  • Climate-Smart Agriculture
  • Digital Agriculture
  • Data-driven Digital Agriculture
  • AgTech