Eastern Partnership Transport Panel

Blog » 2015 - Armenia, Transportation Modes (A. Gharabegian).pdf

2015 - Armenia, Transportation Modes (A. Gharabegian).pdf

Created Jun 02 2017, 2:59 PM by Leszek Tymoteusz Zemke
  • Armenia - reports

Being a landlocked country, Armenia has an economy that depends on transport and crossborder access. Armenia has a few railway lines and an extensive road network. While rate of car ownership has been growing steadily in recent years, it is still relatively low. Public transport plays a critical role, especially in cities. The transportation network capacity is adequate for accommodating estimated demand up to 2020, but the infrastructure has deteriorated due to lack of funds. In recent years, government has given priority to rehabilitation and reconstruction of the infrastructure. A major issue that hinders transportation in Armenia is severe climate where low temperatures and heavy snowfall in winter limit economic activity.


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