The second series of physical meetings of the three Regional Working Groups on Road Safety under the EaP Transport Panel, organized by the European Commission with the direct support of the World Bank and the Government of Belarus bringing together participants from the six EaP countries will take place on 17-19th October 2018 in Minsk, Belarus
• Day 1 - Wednesday 17 October: meeting of the WG 2 “Speed management and enforcement”
• Day 2 - Thursday 18 October: meeting of the WG 1 “Road safety data management, coordination and crash data system improvements”
• Day 3 – Friday 19 October: meeting of the WG3 “Road safety engineering and blackspot management”
The key discussion topics are as follows:
• Benchmarking of EaP countries on relevant road safety measures implementation
• Priority projects and action plans
• EaP cooperation framework
• Disseminating our knowledge and work through the EaP road safety website
In addition to Regional Working Group meetings, a one-day workshop for specialists from Eastern Partnership Countries on Safety Camera Use for Speed Enforcement focusing on good international practice in designing and implementing Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) programs will take place on 16th October 2018. It is expected that workshop audience will reach about 30 persons and include representatives of the Regional Working Group 2 and other representatives of institutions and agencies from Eastern Partnership Countries involved in the preparation or implementation of ASE systems.
Please find the detailed agenda attached to this announcement.
Calendar » 4th Meeting & Knowledge Exchange Workshop for the Regional Working Groups
4th Meeting & Knowledge Exchange Workshop for the Regional Working Groups
The second series of physical meetings of the three Regional Working Groups on Road Safety under the EaP Transport Panel, organized by the European Commission with the direct support of the World Bank and the Government of Belarus bringing together participants from the six EaP countries will take place on 17-19th October 2018 in Minsk, Belarus
• Day 1 - Wednesday 17 October: meeting of the WG 2 “Speed management and enforcement”
• Day 2 - Thursday 18 October: meeting of the WG 1 “Road safety data management, coordination and crash data system improvements”
• Day 3 – Friday 19 October: meeting of the WG3 “Road safety engineering and blackspot management”
The key discussion topics are as follows:
• Benchmarking of EaP countries on relevant road safety measures implementation
• Priority projects and action plans
• EaP cooperation framework
• Disseminating our knowledge and work through the EaP road safety website
In addition to Regional Working Group meetings, a one-day workshop for specialists from Eastern Partnership Countries on Safety Camera Use for Speed Enforcement focusing on good international practice in designing and implementing Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) programs will take place on 16th October 2018. It is expected that workshop audience will reach about 30 persons and include representatives of the Regional Working Group 2 and other representatives of institutions and agencies from Eastern Partnership Countries involved in the preparation or implementation of ASE systems.
Please find the detailed agenda attached to this announcement.