Annual Health Financing Forum
The Annual Health Financing Forum (AHFF) is one of the few global spaces that convenes key actors responsible not just for health financing, but also for fiscal policy more broadly. It has earned a reputation for serving as a unique platform where practitioners, academics, and other experts can engage in robust dialogue to share the latest scientific knowledge and country experiences in developing, implementing, and advancing health financing policy.
The AHFF is an unparalleled gathering of knowledge from throughout the finance and health sectors. The forum is designed to create a rich and robust environment for exchanging ideas and lessons learned, stimulating dialogue, and challenging the status quo.
Each year, hundreds of officials from Ministries of Finance and Health from low and middle-income countries, staff from bi- and multi-lateral institutions, representatives from the private sector, civil society, think tanks, and academia bring their questions – and their solutions – to share with colleagues. The exchanges are both practical and aspirational in nature, providing those in the areas of health economics and financing access to peer networks and fresh thinking to inform their work.
In 2020, our 5th AHFF focused on health financing resilience: the ability of health financing to respond to unexpected health shocks, in this case the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. The shock suddenly increased the need for health spending while also reducing both household incomes and the capacity of governments to generate revenue.
Click on the icons at right to access resources from each of the past Forums, including session recordings and more from Parts 1 and 2 of this year's Fifth Annual Health Financing Forum.