Health Financing Resilience and Sustainability

Blog » Health Financing in Response to Covid-19: An Agenda For Research

Health Financing in Response to Covid-19: An Agenda For Research

Created Jan 05 2021, 10:48 AM by Jennifer Rae Anderson
  • Research
  • COVID-19 Response

December 2020. This working paper from leading health financing researchers, outlines a broad research agenda that would help countries deal with the health financing challenges they are facing, and emerge from the COVID-19 crisis with stronger health financing systems. While recognising that research priorities must be tailored to the needs of specific countries, the paper argues there is much to be gained by starting from a common agenda, which could enable a coordinated approach and maximise the potential for cross-country comparative work. Such a body of research will enable lessons to be drawn for (i) managing the current crisis; (ii) ensuring resilience of health systems to future shocks; and (iii) enhancing medium-term progress towards UHC. Download working paper.

  • Jennifer Rae Anderson, thank you very much for this important working paper, even in a lay (non-health financing specialist) capacity, I found it very approachable and helpful to see this type of projected need for collaboration between countrie and regions globally. Many thanks to you and this community of practice for keeping us informed and engaged in leading edge discusisons re: response and recovery to COVID - 19 and the other referenced key research focus areas.  Keep up the great work.