IUWM South-South Knowledge Exchange


South-South Knowledge Exchange on Integrated Urban Water Management (IUWM)

Welcome to the IUWM Community of Practice! This page connects participants of the IUWM SSKE activities (Technical Deep Dive (TDD) in Japan in September 2017, study tour to Brazil in June 2018, and follow-up national workshops in Ethiopia, Ghana and Indonesia in 2019) and other interested practitioners to share documents, exchange ideas and review content and results of the SSKE activities on IUWM and other relevant information. This Community of Practice is meant to be a facilitated online multi-stakeholder dialogue platform, and as such its success will depend for a considerable part on you. We hope you will not only be able to find interesting and relevant information, but also share your knowledge and experiences and participate in discussions.

This platform is structured along the following four elements--see the four pillars below:
  - COLLABORATE - present yourself, connect to others or start a discussion
  - KNOWLEDGE - find and/or share knowledge and look at information on previous events
  - WORKSHOP - find information on the upcoming IUWM workshop
  - DISCUSS - join discussions and share information

