Global Lab on Metropolitan Strategic Planning

Blog » 5. Regional Plan Association History and Approach (Bob Yaro) Light 1.pptx

5. Regional Plan Association History and Approach (Bob Yaro) Light 1.pptx

Created May 09 2013, 1:14 PM by Santiago E Arias
  • Metropolitan Strategic Planning

Robert Yaro, President, Regional Plan Association

This presentation discusses the history of the Regional Plan Association and the success of its approach for metropolitan strategic planning. A key focus of this strategy is the development of regional plans covering the New York, Connecticut and New Jersey metropolitan area. It will highlight milestone land development and infrastructure projects that were implemented as part of the first three regional plans in 1929, 1968 and 1996.  It will conclude with an overview of the major challenges —climate change, declining economic opportunity and fiscal uncertainty-- facing the New York metropolitan area today, which will drive the development of the upcoming Fourth Regional Plan.