Global Lab on Metropolitan Strategic Planning

Discussion » Visualizing Metropolitan Urban Expansion

Visualizing Metropolitan Urban Expansion


Over the years many of us have seen and even used  Alain Bertaud's iconic graphic comparing Atlanta and Barcelona. The graphic is a
powerful visual image exemplifying  the high cost  of inefficient urban  land use.

Technology is catching up to the genius urbanists such as  Richard Wurman (founder of TED talks) and Alain's mindset.  Indeed, Richard Wurman and a team from ESRI  and Radical Media have developed an exciting new application 


Initially with data for 16 cities you can prepare your own side by side  spatial comparisons of key urban characteristics. Among the cities include

Abu Dhavi,  Auckland, Chicago, Delhi, Hamburg, Jo'burg, London, Los Angeles, Milan, Mumbai, New York, Paris, Rio de Janeiro, Rotterdam Singapore and Tokyo. 


For more details please see the article in


Stay tuned for exciting news from the World Bank with respect to  mapping urban expansion and the implications to make a compelling case for resource efficient metropolitan urban growth.  Within the World Bank the East Asia Pacific infrastrucure group is working on graphic display of  urban expansion in 1,500 cities and South Asia is also undertaking exciting  spatial analysis of urban growth.




  • City Data & Institutional Framework
  • Urban Growth and Economic Development
  • Metropolitan Strategic Planning