More than almost any other constituency in the developing world, rural subsistence households are at risk of becoming the invisible victims of the health and economic impacts of COVID-19.
Wow! Thank you Fotios Stravoravdis for posting this time and topical article "Vulnerable Households at the Edge of Pandemic." This week I reconnect with a former World Bank Colleague who is now working for European Food Safety Authority. I talked with two other colleagues who are looking at starting a new C4D Group on Food Security - Policy related issues in the South Asia Region being raised related to the Covid - 19 Pandemic. Good luck to you and other members of your community are wrestling with these and other Ag Finance issues thorugh the Covid - 19 lens. Thank you.
Blog » Vulnerable Households at the Edge of the Pandemic
Vulnerable Households at the Edge of the Pandemic
More than almost any other constituency in the developing world, rural subsistence households are at risk of becoming the invisible victims of the health and economic impacts of COVID-19.