Public collaboration platform to share resources, publications, knowledge materials and to exchange ideas, discussion questions, and food-for-thought in the area of agriculture finance.
ASL stakeholders who include government representatives and associated project partners from 7 countries, implementing agency staff members, and donors in Latin America who are working in projects to protect globally significant biodiversity in the Amazon
This CoP site is for the group of participants from the borrower ministries and agencies or local consulting companies who attended the webinar PIU training on the application of the ESF for knowledge sharing and peer learning.
The objective of this platform is to share knowledge, tools, and best aquaculture practices among practitioners, policymakers, innovators, researchers, and experts, and to provide periodic updates and inform on current development in aquaculture.
The Community-Driven Development (CDD) Community of Practice is a dynamic, cross-disciplinary body of CDD practitioners, development partners, and other interested researchers from different countries and sectoral themes within and outside the World Bank. The Community of Practice (CoP) is facilitated by the secretariat anchored under the Social, Urban, Rural and Resilience Global Practice (GSURR) of the World Bank. This website was created for the CoP members across the world to exchange ideas and learn, access useful operational resources, nurture innovations, and strengthen and expand partnership and resource mobilization. It is meant to be a “living” site and welcomes your active participation and contributions!
The community driven development (CDD) and local economic development (LED) thematic group supports a learning network comprising of government teams, World Bank task teams and others involved in LED/livelihoods projects globally. The CDD and LED thematic
CPL is a World Bank initiative that supports Indonesian municipal governments to build capacity for data-driven planning, which in turn will create smart, inclusive, and sustainable cities.
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