Discussion » The IAIA17 Session Submission Deadline is Approaching Quickly - June 30th
The IAIA17 Session Submission Deadline is Approaching Quickly - June 30th
The deadline for submitting abstracts for sessions for IAIA17 in Montreal is coming up very quickly...on June 30th! The Cultural Heritage Section was well-represented over the past few years at the IAIA annual conferences and we hope to continue with that momentum with a significant presence in Montreal. Here is the URL with guidance on submitting an abstract for IAIA17:
The Conference Theme for IAIA17 is: Impact Assessment's Contribution to the Global Efforts in Addressing Climate Change
Recommended conference topics are:
Integration of climate change in EIA, SEA, environmental and social management plans, and regional and project planning
Revised IA baselines integrating climate change data, uncertainties, and impacts
Adaptation and resilience from developed and developing countries
Climate finance and risk management
Major infrastructures adaptation measures and risk assessment
Capacity building transfer and communication about climate change to decision makers and different stakeholders
Climate change impact on policies, legislation, regulations, and "climate justice"
Climate change compensation and reduction/carbon capture and storage, market, and pricing
IAIA's role in "climate smart(er)" impact assessment and the future
Climate change, extreme events, and impact assessment
We believe there are many ways that cultural heritage protection and management keys into these topics and suggest that you look for opportunities to organize or participate in sessions related to the conference theme.
I serve as one of the Co-chairs of the IAIA Cultural Heritage Section. If you have any questions regarding IAIA or the Cultural Heritage Section, please contact me and I'll be happy to help.
Discussion » The IAIA17 Session Submission Deadline is Approaching Quickly - June 30th
The IAIA17 Session Submission Deadline is Approaching Quickly - June 30th
The deadline for submitting abstracts for sessions for IAIA17 in Montreal is coming up very quickly...on June 30th! The Cultural Heritage Section was well-represented over the past few years at the IAIA annual conferences and we hope to continue with that momentum with a significant presence in Montreal. Here is the URL with guidance on submitting an abstract for IAIA17:
The Conference Theme for IAIA17 is: Impact Assessment's Contribution to the Global Efforts in Addressing Climate Change
Recommended conference topics are:
We believe there are many ways that cultural heritage protection and management keys into these topics and suggest that you look for opportunities to organize or participate in sessions related to the conference theme.
I serve as one of the Co-chairs of the IAIA Cultural Heritage Section. If you have any questions regarding IAIA or the Cultural Heritage Section, please contact me and I'll be happy to help.