City Planning Labs (CPL)
User Abstract
ANDREA BOZZI No Description
Bekim Ramku Architect & Urban Designer, worked with GSURR on urban regeneration projects in Albanian and Uzbekistan. Founding member of Future Architecture Platform; founding director of Kosovo Architecture Foundation & Festival; founder/director Office for Urban Regeneration and founder/chair of Docomomo_Kosovo chapter; Educated in Prishtina University (architecture engineering), Architectural Association School of Architecture (MA in Housing & Urbanism), served as a Research Fellow at DUSP, SA+P, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; former advisor on cultural heritage and infrastructure to the Kosovo Minister of Culture; Technical reviewer and regional coordinator for the Aga Khan Award for Architecture since 2014; Recipient of the prestigious "Keeping it Modern" grant by Getty Foundation for the CMP of the Kosovo National Library, and the recipient of BigSEE award for Architectural Visionaries 2020.
Bruce Summers Community Manager LCR - PIU Training Communities. Jumpstart Connect 4 Impact Consultant. Former Moderator for Health Systems Flagship Training Courses. Former C4D Coordinator/Liaison - World Bank Central CoP Team and ITSES Central C4D Team. C4D Roundtable Facilitator. C4D and CoP Coach. Former Board Member - Association of Personal Historians - Lead for Regional Ops. World Bank Premium Advisory Services Consultant for Collaboration and CoPs. Worked with over 150 C4D Communities. Member Engagement Lead for launch of Collaboration for Development. Co-lead for World Bank Community of Practice Strengthening Initiative. Principal Summers "Engagement" Consulting - Solving Volunteer Engagement Algorithms for 30 years. Former National Lead - Volunteer Engagement - American Red Cross and American Lung Association. Managed 1000 Member CoP engaging over 1 million volunteers annually in Disaster Preparedness and Response. Former US Peace Corps Volunteer - Community Development Officer for the Barbados Boy Scouts Association.
Cristobal Samardzich Rizo-Patron No Description
Daniela Evia Duarte No Description
Daniela Evia Duarte No Description
Danielle Simone Robinson No Description
Melda Açmaz Özden No Description