2013 - North-South road corridor: section in the northern part of the corridor Yerevan to Bavra
Road Project - North-South Road Corridor crosses the territory of Armenia from the South to the North including Agarak-Kapan-Yerevan-Gyumri-Bavra highways and road infrastructures and is linked to the Georgian road network leading to Poti and Batumi ports. The whole Corridor runs 556 km from the border with Georgia at Bavra via Gyumri, Talin, Ashtarak, Yerevan, Goris, and Kapan, to the border with Iran at Meghri. The "North-South" road is part of the transnational motorway AH 82 interlinking Central Asian countries Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
The project is implemented in the context of the following RA Government projects: "Reconstruction of Gyumri techno city", "Tatev tourist center", "Development of Jermuk town" and "Zvartnots free economic zone". The implementation of North-South Road Corridor will significantly contribute to the efficiency of the mentioned projects and to the achievement of program goals.
The Project is implemented by multi-tranche financing. It is subdivided into Tranches and separate loan agreements are signed in the framework of each Tranche. More information: North-South Road Corridor Investment Program
Main Goals: improving safety and comfort, reducing time and financial costs, integrating possible necessary telecommunication and other infrastructures.
Project objectives: facilitating communication with neighboring countries; expanding and facilitating access to foreign market towards Central Asia and Europe; developing major economic spheres and export expansion (industry, agriculture, mining industry, construction, tourism) etc.
Provides access to the Black Sea through the territory of Armenia and Georgia and then to European countries;
Crossing the territory of Armenia from the South to the North (Meghri – Yerevan – Ashtarak – Gyumri - Bavra) the corridor connects to the Georgian road leading to Poti and Batumi ports;
The implementation of the Project results in improving Europe - Caucasus – Asia road communication at the intersection of West Asia and East Europe.
Demand estimation from IDEA II-EaP transport model year 2030
Freight: 1.700 tonnes/day
Passengers: 2.200 cars/day
Technical description
North-South Road Corridor Investment Program" is subdivided into separate tranches. The specific section Yerevan to Bavra encompasses:
Tranche 1 (Artashat-Yerevan and Yerevan-Ashtarak), total length 31 km
Tranche 2 (Ashtark - Talin), total length 41.9 km where major works are widening of the existing 2-lane road up to 4-lane road from km29+600 to km71+500; reconstruction of 9 interchanges, 3 of which are overpasses and 6 are underpasses; construction of 15 T-junctions providing access to local roads/communities; reinforced concrete structures are: 18 agricultural crossings, 10 of which are for machinery and 8 are for pedestrians and 124 for drainage and water supply, widening of the existing 2-lane road up to 4-lane road in all sections except a 3,5 km section which will be a completely new road, construction of 9 transport junctions, construction of structures, including: 13 agricultural machinery crossings, 3 cattle crossings, 93 storm sewers, bridges and culverts, preparation of the feasibility study of the Tranche 5 Gyumri to Bavra (70 km).
Investment amount
North-South Road Corridor Investment Program" is implemented under Multi-Tranche Financing Facility. It is subdivided into separate tranches with separate Loan Agreements.
Tranche 1 (Artashat-Yerevan and Yerevan-Ashtarak) total estimated cost is 60 mln USD. The estimated cost for the section Yerevan-Ashtarak is 21 mln USD; the estimated cost for section Artashat-Yerevan is 39 mln USD. Both are financed under the loan agreement with ADB.
Tranche 2 (Ashtark - Talin) total estimated cost is 170 mln USD. Financed under the loan agreement with ADB. The Construction works of both Tranches are implemented by "Corsan Corviam Construccion" Spanish company (the Contractor), and the Consultant of the Program is "Safege-Eptisa" Belgian JV.
Tranche 3 (Gyumri - Talin) total estimated cost is 180 mln USD. Loan Agreements are signed with two donor organizations: Asian Development Bank (on 11.03.2014) for 100 Ml USD (section Talin-Lanjik) and European Investment Bank (on 18.11.2013) for 60 Ml Euro (section Lanjik-Gyumri). A NIF grant of 12 mln Euros is also envisaged.
Implementation schedule
Project inception 2012.
Project completion 2018.
Tranche 1 expected to be completed by end of 2015.
Tranche 2 expected to be completed by end of 2015.
Tranche 3 started in 2015 and expected to be completed by end of 2018.
The Feasibility Study for the Northern Tranche (Gyumri to Bavra) is expected to be completed by July 2017.
Expected impacts on transport, environment, social, other
The construction of this highly important strategic road will ensure easier traffic from the Southern border of Armenia to the Georgian border and up to Black Sea ports and will allow passenger and cargo transportation in accordance with European standards reducing time and financial costs.
The highway will also provide serious development opportunities for all communities from the North to the South of Armenia.
Environmental impacts: The main residual environmental impact relates to land conversion. Noise, visual intrusion and severance are other impacts have been mitigated by the design of the project.
Blog » 2017 - Armenia, Road Project, North-South Corridor, section in the northern part of the corridor Yerevan to Bavra
2017 - Armenia, Road Project, North-South Corridor, section in the northern part of the corridor Yerevan to Bavra
Road Project - North-South Road Corridor crosses the territory of Armenia from the South to the North including Agarak-Kapan-Yerevan-Gyumri-Bavra highways and road infrastructures and is linked to the Georgian road network leading to Poti and Batumi ports. The whole Corridor runs 556 km from the border with Georgia at Bavra via Gyumri, Talin, Ashtarak, Yerevan, Goris, and Kapan, to the border with Iran at Meghri. The "North-South" road is part of the transnational motorway AH 82 interlinking Central Asian countries Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
The project is implemented in the context of the following RA Government projects: "Reconstruction of Gyumri techno city", "Tatev tourist center", "Development of Jermuk town" and "Zvartnots free economic zone". The implementation of North-South Road Corridor will significantly contribute to the efficiency of the mentioned projects and to the achievement of program goals.
The Project is implemented by multi-tranche financing. It is subdivided into Tranches and separate loan agreements are signed in the framework of each Tranche. More information: North-South Road Corridor Investment Program
Main Goals: improving safety and comfort, reducing time and financial costs, integrating possible necessary telecommunication and other infrastructures.
Project objectives: facilitating communication with neighboring countries; expanding and facilitating access to foreign market towards Central Asia and Europe; developing major economic spheres and export expansion (industry, agriculture, mining industry, construction, tourism) etc.
North-South Road Corridor Investment Program" is subdivided into separate tranches. The specific section Yerevan to Bavra encompasses:
Tranche 1 (Artashat-Yerevan and Yerevan-Ashtarak), total length 31 km
Tranche 2 (Ashtark - Talin), total length 41.9 km where major works are widening of the existing 2-lane road up to 4-lane road from km29+600 to km71+500; reconstruction of 9 interchanges, 3 of which are overpasses and 6 are underpasses; construction of 15 T-junctions providing access to local roads/communities; reinforced concrete structures are: 18 agricultural crossings, 10 of which are for machinery and 8 are for pedestrians and 124 for drainage and water supply, widening of the existing 2-lane road up to 4-lane road in all sections except a 3,5 km section which will be a completely new road, construction of 9 transport junctions, construction of structures, including: 13 agricultural machinery crossings, 3 cattle crossings, 93 storm sewers, bridges and culverts, preparation of the feasibility study of the Tranche 5 Gyumri to Bavra (70 km).
The Feasibility Study for the Northern Tranche (Gyumri to Bavra) is expected to be completed by July 2017.
Source of funding
EIB (European Investment Bank)
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