Eastern Partnership Transport Panel

Blog » 2017-2020 - Armenia, Country Report on Infrastructure and Finances (TRACECA).pdf

2017-2020 - Armenia, Country Report on Infrastructure and Finances (TRACECA).pdf

Created Jun 02 2017, 2:46 PM by Leszek Tymoteusz Zemke
  • Armenia - reports

In Armenia there is a law on State budget, which defines the annual expenditures of the state budget, including those allocated for investing in infrastructure. As for the transport sector, there is a Transport Sector Development Strategy, which has been elaborated by the assistance of the Asian Development Bank and it defines investment priorities in transport sector. The Strategy pursues improved management, infrastructure, and technology to maximize the transport sector’s performance until 2020, and envisages a long-term prosperity through the establishment of efficient, cost effective, and environmentally and socially sustainable transport infrastructure and services.


The Strategy has the following overarching goals:


  • Efficient and cost-effective transport infrastructure and services for the whole country
  • Cross-border trade facilitation
  • Environmentally and socially sustainable transport infrastructure and services


The Strategy entails an Action Plan which comprises a time-bound program of policy reforms and investment and technical assistance projects identified for 2009-2020, totaling about $2.2 billion. The Action Plan details policy reforms and investment, technical assistance (TA), and policy and management reform projects for the short term (2009-2012), medium term (2013-2016) and long term (2017-2020).



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