The existing network of transportation infrastructure allows Azerbaijan to transport not only its own energy resources, but also oil from Central Asia, thus becoming a transit state. Thus via Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline, Kazakh and Turkmen oil is transported. In 2015 alone, the total volume of Turkmen and Kazakh oil via BTC was 5.2 million tons. In addition, a subsidiary of the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan (SOCAR) - SOCAR Trading SA Company signed a new agreement on the purchase of Turkmen oil. According to the agreement, up to 3 million tons of Turkmen oil will be transported via the BTC over the next 5 years.3 It is expected that Kazakh oil exports will also increase.
Blog » 2016 - Azerbaijan, Development of the Transport Sector (prof. R. Ibrahimov).pdf
2016 - Azerbaijan, Development of the Transport Sector (prof. R. Ibrahimov).pdf
The existing network of transportation infrastructure allows Azerbaijan to transport not only its own energy resources, but also oil from Central Asia, thus becoming a transit state. Thus via Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline, Kazakh and Turkmen oil is transported. In 2015 alone, the total volume of Turkmen and Kazakh oil via BTC was 5.2 million tons. In addition, a subsidiary of the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan (SOCAR) - SOCAR Trading SA Company signed a new agreement on the purchase of Turkmen oil. According to the agreement, up to 3 million tons of Turkmen oil will be transported via the BTC over the next 5 years.3 It is expected that Kazakh oil exports will also increase.
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