Eastern Partnership Transport Panel

Blog » 2014-2017 - Belarus, Country Partnership Strategy, Transport (WB).pdf

2014-2017 - Belarus, Country Partnership Strategy, Transport (WB).pdf

Created Sep 08 2017, 4:30 PM by Leszek Tymoteusz Zemke
  • Belarus - reports

Joint World Bank and International Finance Corporation (IFC) Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) for Belarus. This joint CPS is based on:

1) an analysis of Belarus’s key development challenges informed by our recent economic and sector work,

2) alignment with the country’s development priorities and commitments,

3) examination of the World Bank Group’s track record and lessons learned in implementing support programs in the country,

4) extensive consultation with and feedbacks from key stakeholders including government agencies, local authorities, civil society organizations, development partners and representatives of beneficiaries of our past and on-going support programs.



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