Time certainly goes fast – it seems like just a few years, rather than decades, have passed since Armenia’s inception to the World Bank Group. It is almost hard to believe that we are today celebrating twenty five years of partnership.
Looking back on the World Bank’s support to Armenia over the years, as the country undertook its journey of transition, we in the Bank take great pride in our joint achievements with Armenia’s government and its citizens. And now we stand ready with confidence to help meet the country’s future challenges and development goals.
Armenia has gone through a dramatic and remarkable process of economic transformation and reform over the last two decades. Nevertheless, large sections of the population face difficulties and remain unsatisfied with their lives. Therefore, closing the “happiness gap” – through continued economic growth, macroeconomic stability and more inclusive institutions – is a key goal on which our institution, and other partners in the country, will be focused going forward.
We look forward to continuing to work closely with the Armenian people to build a bright and vibrant future for everyone, and to help meet the country’s future challenges and development goals.
Here are some of our major contributions to the country’s progress as it navigated its development path, including excerpts from stories published over the years about World Bank-supported projects in Armenia.
Blog » 2017 - Celebrating 25 Years of Partnership with the Republic of Armenia (World Bank)
2017 - Celebrating 25 Years of Partnership with the Republic of Armenia (World Bank)
By Vigen Sargsyan, World Bank Office, Yerevan
Time certainly goes fast – it seems like just a few years, rather than decades, have passed since Armenia’s inception to the World Bank Group. It is almost hard to believe that we are today celebrating twenty five years of partnership.
Looking back on the World Bank’s support to Armenia over the years, as the country undertook its journey of transition, we in the Bank take great pride in our joint achievements with Armenia’s government and its citizens. And now we stand ready with confidence to help meet the country’s future challenges and development goals.
Armenia has gone through a dramatic and remarkable process of economic transformation and reform over the last two decades. Nevertheless, large sections of the population face difficulties and remain unsatisfied with their lives. Therefore, closing the “happiness gap” – through continued economic growth, macroeconomic stability and more inclusive institutions – is a key goal on which our institution, and other partners in the country, will be focused going forward.
We look forward to continuing to work closely with the Armenian people to build a bright and vibrant future for everyone, and to help meet the country’s future challenges and development goals.
Here are some of our major contributions to the country’s progress as it navigated its development path, including excerpts from stories published over the years about World Bank-supported projects in Armenia.
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