Eastern Partnership Transport Panel

Blog » 2017 - Azerbaijan-WB, 25 years of partnership (English version).pdf

2017 - Azerbaijan-WB, 25 years of partnership (English version).pdf

Created Sep 25 2017, 3:18 PM by Leszek Tymoteusz Zemke
  • Azerbaijan - projects
  • Azerbaijan - reports

The World Bank is the global leader in providing governments with financial assistance and technical advice, with the aim to end poverty and promote shared prosperity.


The Republic of Azerbaijan joined the World Bank in 1992. During 25 years of partnership, the World Bank’s investment in the country totaled over US$ 3.5 billion for 50 projects. These projects cover multiple sectors from public sector governance, health and education to financial sector and infrastructure.

Our program is built around a joint strategy with the country called the Country Partnership Framework (CPF). The current CPF covers 2015–20 and aims to support Azerbaijan on its path toward sustainable, inclusive, and private sector–led growth



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