Road project. The East-West Highway is the main corridor for transit through Georgia and is located on Transport Corridor Europe, Caucasus, Asia (TRACECA).
Demand estimation from IDEA II-EaP transport model year 2030
Freight: 8.000 tonnes/day
Passengers: 6.800 cars/day
Technical description
EIB financed section of 51 km involves adding to the existing road a new 2X2 highway on a new alignment.The section Zestaponi - Kutaisi - Samtredia has been identified as TRACECA IDEA Priority Project and presented at TIF 2010.
Roads Department of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia (RDMRDI)
Investment amount
EUR 220 mln. A loan of 170 mln EUR was signed by EIB (May 2012).
Implementation schedule
Construction on Lot I and Lot IV is ongoing. The contract for Lot II with Sinohydro Corporation Limited was signed on 13 October 2015. Lot III under bidding
Under construction
Expected impacts on transport, environment, social, other
Major positive impacts of the project are related to better accessibility from the coastal area of Georgia to the hinterland avoiding the present traffic passing by highly build up areas along the way.
Blog » 2010 - Georgia, East-West Highway Section Samtredia-Grigoleti
2010 - Georgia, East-West Highway Section Samtredia-Grigoleti
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